Broadcast 4098
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Psalm 68:11 (KJV) The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.

In the Nigerian city where I grew up, there are burial grounds of European missionaries which are now historical sites. These missionaries died and were buried in the land because they came to preach the gospel. Some of these missionaries attended the best universities, but they saw a higher calling and were willing to give their lives for it. Today, many in Africa are believers because of their sacrifice. Many lives have been physically and eternally saved because of their sacrifice. I can still remember how it was a missionary called Mary Slessor whom the Lord used to end the infanticide ritual killing of twins in the southernmost part of Nigeria.

When I look at my generation, I have a great concern in my heart because the emphasis and pursuits of many believers are for vain things. Believers who love their lives too much (and love the world) cannot effectively pass the light of the gospel to the next generation (see John 12:25, Revelation 12:11, 1 John 2:15).

When the gospel was first preached [in Jerusalem], it was by a handful of people who were willing to give it all (both those on the frontline of apostolic missions and those who gave their resources to send them). Today, over two billion people on earth are called Christians, and many millions have come to know the Lord personally. But this didn’t happen without a great company of people intentionally committed to spreading God’s word.

Even in the 19th century when there was a great missionary movement and many parts of Africa were evangelized, there were still some believers who loved the world too much and didn’t want to inconvenience themselves for the gospel. But there were those who considered the Kingdom as the most important thing in their lives. All the believers in that generation are now physically dead, but some of them have crowns and eternal rewards stored up for them (2 Timothy 4:8), while some others would be ashamed before the Lord (1 John 2:28). Even though the people from that generation are no longer in this world, they are still very much alive and conscious. Some are in joy, while others are in eternal sorrow and damnation.

Go into today determined to be among the company of those who publish the word of the Lord in your generation. A life that counts is one committed to spreading The Kingdom.

Prayer: Lord, help me live a life that counts in Your eternal scheme of things. Help me fulfill my part in what You are doing in my generation. Amen.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: I Kings 19-22 (in today’s audio)

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