John 8:7 (NET) When they persisted in asking him, he stood up straight and replied, “Whoever among you is guiltless may be the first to throw a stone at her.”

In the case of Everet V Williams [EX. 1725. 9 L.Q Rev. 197], the Judges held that they will not sit to take an account between two robbers. In this case, a robber filed a bill in equity to force his partner in crime to account for a sum of money that was the proceeds from their robbery. When the real nature of the claim was discovered, the bill was dismissed. The Court’s decision was influenced by the Latin maxim: HE WHO COMES TO EQUITY MUST COME WITH CLEAN HANDS.

You don’t seek to punish disobedience when your obedience is not complete.

Like the robbers in the above scenario, some of you are confronted with similar situations daily in your walk with God. We see the devil fronting himself before God as a prosecutor, placing all manner of charges against you. But you know what? Just like the robbers, the woman that was caught in the ‘very act’ of adultery was guilty of the offense as charged. But the accuser was seriously handicapped in that suit. He was also guilty of the offense.

Listen dear, nobody or power has the legal standing to proffer a charge against you because all have sinned including the devil the father of all liars who sinned from the beginning.

I summon courage and strength when I see that my accuser is a guilty one. Christ retains the authority to condemn and it is indeed our fortune that He is on our side. If Christ be for us, who can be against us? (see Rom 8:31, 33).

Go into today knowing that all judgments have been given into the hands of Christ, and He alone can give justice. Since Christ is your Lord, you have been justified and empowered to live above sin.

Prayer: I receive Christ’s justification now into my spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Bar KC. Ibekwe

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