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My conversation and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power,
so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God.
Feyi had come out for alter call to become born again, and attended discipleship class afterward. He believed he was born again, but there were certain sins that he easily fell into, and fell one time too many. At a given point, he was tired of the rising and falling and cried to God to help him live a holy life.
He saw a video on Facebook about the gospel message. The first point the preacher made was that ‘if a person is born again, it means he has accepted Jesus as his Lord’. The preacher went on to explain the meaning of the word Lord. He explained how those who believe in Jesus must be submitted to His authority. Feyi never knew this before. Jesus was not yet the Lord of his life, he (Feyi) was the still the Lord of his life. After watching the video, Feyi confessed Jesus as his lord and master, and he realized that after submitting to the Lord, he felt the power and dominion of the Holy Spirit like never before. That was the end of his struggle with sin.
No one can confess that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3). Many people in church today do not enjoy the grace of God supplied by the Holy Spirit because they are not yet submitted to the authority of the Lord Jesus.
Go into today remembering that being a believer means you have submitted to the authority and government of the Lord Jesus. His government (the kingdom of God) will regulate every area of your life.
 —SD Abraham
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YBR: Psalms 57-59 (in today’s audio)

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