John 15:7-8 (NET) If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you. My Father is honored by this, that you bear much fruit and show that you are my disciples.

Ekene used to be very depressed and unhappy. He was always competing with his peer group from his village and did not have peace of mind. It wasn’t until he accepted the Lord Jesus and was determined to abide in Him that he knew true peace of mind for the first time in his adult life. For the first time, he was committed to a church assembly and was accountable to the brethren there. He was also committed to living a life that pleases the Lord in all things and to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.

Ekene became a subject of the kingdom of God and started reaping the benefits of eternal life because he remained in Christ and did not go back to the world like all the previous times he had come out to receive the Lord Jesus. He also now started enjoying divine health and was one that now prayed and God answered his prayers.

Any believer who does not abide in the Lord would be unfruitful and this would not be the Lord’s fault.
One reason why God answers our prayers and will do as we ask is that we too have been living under His authority and are doing as He commands. God does not respond to those who do not respond to Him in obedience.

As you go into the day, remember that you are not alone in this world if Christ is your Lord. Remember that the secret of your success now dwells in your connection to Christ and your meditation on His word.

Prayer: Lord, please help me remain in you and let your word rule my life. Empower me to be fruitful in every good work and please you in all regards.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Psalms 108-110

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