Psalms 91:7 (NET) Though a thousand may fall beside you, and a multitude on your right side, it will not reach you.

What comes to mind when you hear of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Does your mind conjure up an image of a set of computers networked together performing super-complex calculations reeling off non-stop codes and numbers? Or do you think of super-robots that can perform supercool tasks with great ease? Or maybe your memory takes you to a science fiction(sci-fi) movie you have seen in the past such as the Ironman suit of the Marvel franchise which is just like an intelligent person built with cutting-edge technology and filled with so much knowledge?

Surprising though, some applications of AI are so commonplace we virtually interact with it sometimes daily. Just like when you use a face recognition feature to unlock your smartphone, or when you begin typing in a query for google search and it gives you auto-suggestions, or even when you find that some unsolicited emails from strangers have been sent to Spam in your mail, artificial intelligence is at work. It is also what social media companies use to determine what ads you see and what contents make it to your newsfeed. Artificial Intelligence is built on the framework of statistics and can be put to use to great benefits and used to make predictions with a remarkable degree of accuracy.

Statistics utilizes data from the past to make informed predictions about the future and is used for planning and estimation in various works of life. However, it is critical for the believer that he never sees himself as just a statistic. This is critical. The believer must come to the realization that his realities are shaped by the word of God and not by the prevailing circumstances or the re-echoing precedents of the past.

So, when you hear that 7 in 10 graduates are going to be unemployed or underemployed after graduation, don’t begin to fret and worry that the odds are against you; you are more than a statistic. When you hear fearful stories of horrors happening all around you, don’t begin to imagine that you will be next; you are more than a statistic. Learn to engage the power of prayer. Hold God to His word and shape realities by your faith in God’s words and promises.

Go into today knowing that while statistics might be good enough to provide forecasts for certain matters and people, the forecast of your life is written in God’s word. You are more than a statistic; you are God’s child, more than a conqueror. Cheer up! The odds are in your favor because Jesus is Lord.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible in 1 Year: Numbers 13-16 (in today’s audio)

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