Ephesians 5:17 (AMP) Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and fully grasping what the will of the Lord is
“Self-love is the best kind of love, before you can love your neighbor you have to first love yourself” so said Timi to Maureen, but even though Maureen couldn’t refute his claim, she knew something was off about the statement and so she sought some help.
The Bible warns that in the last days, many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Tim 4:1), it is, therefore, imperative that the believer becomes more discerning in his walk. With the advent of the information age, societal influence is no longer restricted to the persons living within your community but is now also inclusive of your 3,542 friends on Facebook, and the 2,046 persons you follow on Twitter and Instagram. Information is thrown at you at the speed of light and you get to come across all kinds of philosophy and sophistry.
To keep your head above waters in these times, one must be soaked in the word and possess a discerning heart that is able to sift through words to recognize falsehood despite its being garbed in carefully selected phrases, analogies, and anecdotes. The statement made to Maureen, for example, might seem to flow when taken at face value but it is certainly not the position of Scriptures.
The emphasis of love in the scriptures is toward God and then toward fellow men. What about the passage that says to love your neighbor as yourself? You will need to remember that that statement was made in answer to a question, and the full answer states that we must love God with our whole being, and then we can love our fellow man (Mark 12:29-31). Love for man must flow from love for God and not some philosophical self-love. If you love God you will keep His commandment and therefore God’s word becomes your benchmark for loving. Therefore, we can do for others what we have not done for ourselves because we love and obey God.
Go into today knowing that God’s way is higher than the ways of men. In Christ, we have been given the privilege to participate in God’s higher way and life. Be discerning, don’t get sucked in by the wisdom of the world. Walk in the supernatural and divine wisdom of the word.
— Ikechukwu Mpama
Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 1-5
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