
The Manifold Wisdom of God

Ephesians3:10 (KJV) To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by [through] the church the manifold wisdom of God. God doesn’t come down and tell the devil how smart He is. He shows him how smart He is through us, the church. God had a secret from the foundation of the world before all the ages began. After the fall of Lucifer, when evil was found in heaven and earth, God had a plan which was hidden in Himself for a day to come when every believer would be able to show on the earth “the manifold wisdom of God.” When Jesus rose from the dead, He gave all authority back to the church in His name. When a believer uses the name of Jesus, all hell comes to a halt. God is glorified, and the devil is humiliated. God smiles at Satan because we show forth His wisdom. We are inferior creatures to angels (Psalm 8:5; Hebrews 2:7) of whom Satan was a leader. We may be inferior by creation, but through the new birth, we are superior by position. What is so humiliating to Satan is to be stopped through the authority in an inferior creature—man. You cannot stop Satan in your own name, but you can in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, you can cast out devils, speak with new tongues, and lay hands on the sick, and see them recover. (See Mark 16:17-18.) That is the purpose of the mystery which was hidden in the heart of God. Can you now see why it was so important for Paul to get this truth across to the believers of his day and ours? Go into today remembering that all authority has been given to the Lord Jesus and you are a member of His body. Prayer: Father, please today and always, let my life manifest your manifold wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Bible In One Year: Genesis 4-7 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Download the Audio Version Here☞ To start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day, join a Streamglobe WhatsApp Group here:

True Humility Pays

Ephesians 3:7, 8. (TPT) I have been made a messenger of this wonderful news by the gift of grace that work through me. Even though I am the least significant of all his holy believers, this grace-gift was imparted when the manifestation of his power came upon me. Grace alone empowers me so that I can boldly preach this wonderful message to non-Jewish people sharing with them the unfading, inexhaustible riches of Christ, which are beyond comprehension. Paul points out in verse eight that he considers himself to be “least significant of all God’s holy believers.” This goes back to the opening verse of the epistle where he gives his name and office (See Eph.1:1). His name means “small” and his office means “one of highest rank.” The two can go together when you realize that in the natural you are nobody, but in the spiritual you are somebody. Paul considers in this verse that in the natural he is not worthy to be given the office of an apostle. Paul considered himself to be the chief of sinners when he was outside the faith (1Tim. 1:15). In other words, he was on the top of the ladder. Now, as a believer, he considers himself to be on the bottom, “less than the least.” I want you to understand that you may have been the richest, most powerful, and most famous sinner on the face of the earth and are now the lowest member of the body of Christ, but you still took a step up. The lowest in God’s kingdom is a promotion from the best in Satan’s kingdom. Paul is humbled to be given the privilege of preaching “among the Gentiles the unfading, inexhaustible riches of Christ.” Take a lesson from what Paul is saying. If you want to be used by God, don’t try to promote yourself. If you have a choice between taking the high seat or the low seat, take the low seat. You don’t need to promote yourself any more than David did as a shepherd. When it was time to find a king, God knew where David was, although Samuel did not. Men may not know where you are, but God does. When David humbled himself, God promoted him. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:6). If you try to do God’s job, He will have to do yours. If you try to exalt yourself, He will have to humble you. In the church today, it is amazing how many people want to preach from the pulpit but will not usher, teach class, or sweep the floor. Jesus told His disciples that when they were invited to a wedding they should not take the upper seats because someone more prominent might come along and ask them to move down. He told them to take the lowest seat so the host might say to them, “Friend, go up higher…For whosoever exalted himself shall be abased, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted” (Luke 14:10-11). When you enter into ministry, start at the bottom. If you sense a call to the ministry but are not sure of the Lord’s timing, start where you are. Find a Sunday school class to teach, a counseling position, or a maintenance job. Whatever you can find to do, do it with all your might. (Read Matthew 25:21). Go into today knowing that by being faithful in little things, you will be showing the Lord that He can trust you with larger responsibilities. Remember, operating in the lowest positions will help to create a servant’s heart within you, which God will always use and promote. Prayer: Lord, I ask that you implant the mind of Christ in me, with grace to live in humility to the glory of your name. —George Evuarherhe Djorhogba Bible In One Year: Romans 3-4 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

The Humility of Christ 2

Matthew 11:29 (NET) Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Patrick had greatly offended Mat, and Mat was finding it very difficult to forgive him. Mat already had designed a plan to make Patrick pay dearly for what he did, but the Holy Spirit kept Ministering to Mat to forgive Patrick. Because the Lord had spoken to Mat about his pride before, when the Lord revealed to him that the reason he found it so difficult to forgive was because of pride in his heart, he was now willing to forgive and let go. One reason we easily get offended and find it difficult to forgive is because of the pride in our hearts. “How dare he talk to me like that, doesn’t he know I am more important than him?”. Pride reminds us of how “more important” than others we are and makes us forget that there is nothing we have that we have not received (see 1 Corinthians 4:7), but humility reminds us that of ourselves and by ourselves, we are nothing(John 15:5). It reminds us to treat people with dignity because they carry the image of God, not because of what they have or have accomplished. Sometimes, we think that because we were more diligent and hard-working, we are better. Indeed, diligence is a distinguishing trait that even God commends, but the ability to be diligent and have a sound mind is a gift from God. Some people were born with brain damage and/or a very low IQ. Some were born into circumstances that broke them and took away their drive for success and diligence in anything. What did you do to contribute to the fact that you were born with a sound mind? Go into today remembering that even though pride looks sophisticated, It is truly a product of spiritual ignorance and foolishness. Prayer: Lord, teach me to be humble as you. Amen. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible In One Year: Matthew 1-2 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Humility of Christ

Matthew 11:29 (NET) Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Mat was very intelligent and gifted. He had several skills and abilities and was a very successful and important man. Because he had been a Christian for many years, he realized that humility was one of the powerful virtues that allow for spiritual promotion in the kingdom, so he tried to be a humble person, but his reference point was himself not Christ. He had an appearance of humility and would bow to greet people who are older than him, but his heart was still full of pride. If someone disrespected him because of his appearance of humility, he wouldn’t let it go but would find a clever way to retaliate. This continued until the Lord revealed to him that he was not truly humble but merely had an appearance of humility. Jesus our LORD says in today’s verse that we should learn from Him, that He is humble and gentle in heart. Humility begins from the heart and would ultimately manifest in our actions. Every human being born into this world was born with a proud and selfish heart. It takes the educational system of the Holy Spirit to make a person truly humble in heart. Circumstances can impose humility upon people, but those same people would become as proud as they really are at heart if or when the circumstances turn around. Many sins are a product of pride in the heart. For example, the reason people lie so that they would not be embarrassed is because of pride in the heart. The only way we can become truly humble at heart is to learn from the Lord. If God our master was humble to the point of death on the cross for us, and yet has ultimately not lost anything but rather gained many sons to glory, we ought to follow His example. Go into today knowing that it is the meek person that God can teach His ways. God resists the proud, but he gives grace to the humble. Prayer: Lord, help me look unto you and overcome every pride and insecurity. Give me a truly meek and gentle heart, in Jesus name. Amen. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible In One Year: Isaiah 1-6 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 or use this link: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Saved, Not of Yourselves

Ephesians 2:8, 9. (NKJ) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Grace and faith fit together. God’s grace is received by our faith. Grace is God reaching out to us, and faith is our means of reaching out to Him. “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that [faith] not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” What is not of ourselves? The answer usually is that grace is not of ourselves, but that should be obvious. What this verse is really telling us is faith is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 3:12 also tells us this: “We have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.” In Acts, we read about the crippled man’s healing at the Gate Beautiful. Peter explained: And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by [from] him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all (Acts 3:16). In Ephesians 2:9, Paul tells us when it came to receiving the free gift of God—salvation—we did not even have the ability to become born again. God had to give us the ability to be able to receive His gift. Imagine the president of General Motors is your special friend. A new model car is to be placed on the market, and he has brought it by your house to show it to you before it ever hits the showroom floor. He is so excited that he wants to show it to you, his special friend, first. After he shows it to you and you realize how badly you want it, he tells you the price is $100,000. Then he asks why are you laughing! You are bankrupt and have no means of buying the car. Your friend tells you he has already placed in your bank account enough money to buy the car. In other words, he designed the car and then gave you the ability to purchase it. Faith is not just our means of receiving salvation, but it is also our means of receiving anything else God has for us. Healing, finances, and freedom from worry and oppression are all available through the faith God gives us. That way, all the glory goes to God the Father, not to us. If the faith came from us, we could boast before God. But since everything comes from God, even the means of attaining everything, then all the glory and praise goes to Him: “Not of works [human effort], lest any man should boast [glory in himself].” In addition, we are not to worship the gift, but we are to reverence the Giver of the gift. Faith is a wonderful tool given to us to acquire all of God’s blessings, but we should not worship faith. Many people today who are studying faith almost esteem faith as their god. All praise and glory should go to God and Jesus Christ. The Father is seeking those who will worship Him “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). As you go into today, know that you have been saved by faith in God and not because of your works and as a result, you have eternal life. —George Evuarherhe Djorhogba Bible In One Year: Job 1-2 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Worthy To Walk With The Lord

Revelation 3:4 [NET] But you have a few individuals in Sardis who have not stained their clothes, and they will walk with me dressed in white, because they are worthy. When Joyce first believed, she was not a very honest person, and her words meant nothing to her. She didn’t know this was wrong, but as she grew in her walk with God, she noticed that the Lord kept revealing things in her life that were not in alignment with His righteousness. Each time this happened, she would repent, and grow in her knowledge of God and His grace (power). We can learn from today’s Bible text that it is only those whose garments are unstained that can walk [in fellowship] with the Lord. When a Christian walks in sin, His [spiritual] clothes are stained [by it], and he is unable to fellowship with God appropriately and walk in his spiritual authority accordingly. This cannot happen to Christians who are already walking in the light by walking in constant fellowship with God who is the light (See 1 John 1:5). Because they are walking in the light, and sin is darkness, they do not walk in sin. This does not mean they cannot be tempted and sometimes fall, but it means they cannot take their place in sin. There are weaknesses that hinder believers from closer fellowship with God, yet these sins may be unknown to them. But as they walk in the light, the light continually reveals every darkness in them and the blood of Jesus cleanses them from it as they acknowledge (confess) it and repent (see 1 John 1:7,9). When this happens, they further advance in their knowledge (closer fellowship) of God and grow in grace and spiritual might. This is something that happens over time. Go into today asking the Lord to help you grow in the knowledge of Him. Bible In One Year: Psalms 1-2 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251

Saved, Not of Yourselves

Ephesians 2:8, 9. (NKJ) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Grace and faith fit together. God’s grace is received by our faith. Grace is God reaching out to us, and faith is our means of reaching out to Him. “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that [faith] not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” What is not of ourselves? The answer usually is that grace is not of ourselves, but that should be obvious. What this verse is really telling us is faith is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 3:12 also tells us this: “We have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.” In Acts, we read about the crippled man’s healing at the Gate Beautiful. Peter explained: And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by [from] him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all (Acts 3:16). In Ephesians 2:9, Paul tells us when it came to receiving the free gift of God—salvation—we did not even have the ability to become born again. God had to give us the ability to be able to receive His gift. Imagine the president of General Motors is your special friend. A new model car is to be placed on the market, and he has brought it by your house to show it to you before it ever hits the showroom floor. He is so excited that he wants to show it to you, his special friend, first. After he shows it to you and you realize how badly you want it, he tells you the price is $100,000. Then he asks why are you laughing! You are bankrupt and have no means of buying the car. Your friend tells you he has already placed in your bank account enough money to buy the car. In other words, he designed the car and then gave you the ability to purchase it. Faith is not just our means of receiving salvation, but it is also our means of receiving anything else God has for us. Healing, finances, and freedom from worry and oppression are all available through the faith God gives us. That way, all the glory goes to God the Father, not to us. If the faith came from us, we could boast before God. But since everything comes from God, even the means of attaining everything, then all the glory and praise goes to Him: “Not of works [human effort], lest any man should boast [glory in himself].” In addition, we are not to worship the gift, but we are to reverence the Giver of the gift. Faith is a wonderful tool given to us to acquire all of God’s blessings, but we should not worship faith. Many people today who are studying faith almost esteem faith as their god. All praise and glory should go to God and Jesus Christ. The Father is seeking those who will worship Him “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). As you go into today, know that you have been saved by faith in God and not because of your works and as a result, you have eternal life. —George Evuarherhe Djorhogba Bible In One Year: Joshua 1-5 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Merciful And Gracious

Psalms 103:8-9 (NET) The Lord is compassionate and merciful; he is patient and demonstrates great loyal love. He does not always accuse, and does not stay angry. Chide and Faith’s marriage was heading for the rocks because they both did not know how to overlook offenses and forgive each other. Chide was not compassionate and merciful in dealing with his wife but was full of accusations and anger towards her. Faith believed her husband did not love her anymore so she stopped making an effort in the relationship. Their marriage was saved when they started to individually truly live according to the divine nature that they have received in Christ. They truly decided to forgive each other and be patient in dealing with one another. Chide was taught by his pastor to never again nurse accusations against his wife in his heart, but rather focus on the good in her. They were both taught to never go to bed angry over any situation (Ephesians 2:26). We cannot desire to be like the Lord without learning this important attribute of His character: the Lord is merciful and gracious. He is patient and demonstrates great love. Being merciful is essential to having the spirit and character of Christ. We must also learn to not just love in our hearts but be demonstrators of our love for one another. The most potent way we demonstrate love is by giving. Let our love not just be in words but with action(see 1 John 3:18). Let people feel comfortable around you and know that you care. Call people, ask about their wellbeing, give gifts(even if small), make sacrifices that show that you care. This is the way of Christ. Go into today remembering to be more merciful, patient, and loving. Proverbs 3:3-4 reveals that being merciful is a key to walking in favor in the sight of God and people. Prayer: Lord, help me demonstrate your love to everyone I have to deal with. Help me to be truly merciful and gracious. Amen. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible In One Year: Joshua 1-5 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Knowing The Character and Nature of God

Psalm 5:4(KJV) For thou are not a God that pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee Ojo told Mabel that he believed that the life of immorality he was living was a tool God was using to draw him closer to Himself. He said that people should be patient with him. He even told Mabel that he had this witness in his spirit that God was bringing him to the end of himself while he was living in sexual immorality. Mabel in her response told him that God does not use evil and darkness to tempt or purge his Children. It was clear to Mabel that the Devil had deceived Ojo. She cited Psalm 5:4 and James 1:13 The Bible says in 1John 1:5 that God is light and in him is no darkness at all. The nature of God is goodness. In Him is light and there is no darkness in Him at all. God by his nature hates iniquity and those that perpetrate evil(see Psalm 5:5). Anybody that wants to know God must understand this nature of God and abide with it. You cannot say that you have fellowship with God and you are walking in darkness. Where we read also teaches that if you are a person that delights in evil or rejoices over the downfall of your brother, God’s fellowship is not with you. This is because it is impossible for God to have pleasure in wickedness. Go into today with a strong commitment to understand the Character of God and to walk in His will. Prayer: Lord, teach e your ways that I may walk in Your truth. Amen. —Kenechukwu IbekweBible In One Year: Genesis 1-3 (In Devotional Audio)Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

You Have Authority In Christ

1 Corinthians 6:3 (KJV) Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? There was a video that went viral on Facebook. In that video, a very fat cat was trying to catch an angry rat, and instead of the cat pursuing the rat, it was the rat that now turned and was pursuing the cat. The rat pursued the cat to the extent that the cat would cry out each time the rat made contact with it. It was unbelievable. Many Christians have been defeated in life, not because they do not have what it takes to be overcomers, but because they have failed to realize that they have what it takes. They have forgotten how powerful they really are in Christ, and cower in the face of the smallest situation that confronts them, instead of standing firm on the word of God that cannot fail. If you are in Christ, you are naturally an overcomer. No demon should be able to stand you because you are seated in heaven far above them and have all authority over them because you are in Christ (see Eph 2:6). But devils are very daring; they will try their luck every now and then and hope you forget who you are and start reacting in fear. There is nothing that kills boldness like sin consciousness. There is nothing that boosts boldness like righteousness consciousness (see Prov 28:1). I believe one reason the Holy Spirit brings boldness is because He gives us assurance of our righteousness with God. Go into today determined to walk in the Spirit. This also means you will dominate your heart with the consciousness of the righteousness you have with God through the sacrifice of Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you always walk in your Spiritual authority and power. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible In One Year: Romans 1-2 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send inquiries, testimonies, and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348021680251 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

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