
Committed to the Truth

Ephesians 5:8-10 (NET) For you were at one time darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light – for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth – trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. When MMM(a very popular Ponzi scheme) came into Nigeria, I had the opportunity of being able to observe the outlook of two categories of believers close to me at the time. The first category was the believers who were enticed by its mouth-watering profit promise, but they were also very interested in knowing whether it was pleasing to God for them to join such a scheme. They somehow felt a check in their spirits concerning it so they spoke with people they felt would have more spiritual understanding concerning such matters because they sincerely wanted to know if joining it was pleasing to the Lord. The second category of believers were those who saw MMM as an opportunity to make quick money, and as their long-awaited answer to prayer. They did not want to know whether it was pleasing to God or not if they made money from it. Because of the possibility that it might not be pleasing to God, they were not interested in finding out whether joining such a scheme was pleasing to God. They did not truly love the Lord but they loved money more. God’s opinion was not desired as long as they were going to make lots of money. I have said time and time again that for me, one of the surest ways I can identify a true believer is how they respond to God’s word when it contradicts their way of life or something they desire to do. In today’s Bible verses, we see a functional definition of truth. It is trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Anyone who is truly saved is born of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. Because the this, he has an inner desire to walk in the truth – to be ever more pleasing to the Lord. He will be committed to learning because he wants to learn more and more about what is pleasing the Lord (see Colossians 1:10). Anyone that does not have the truth in him may be filled with religion, but is not particularly committed to pleasing the Lord. Such is primarily committed to pleasing himself. His god is actually his belly, and he minds earthly things(see Philippians 3:19). When you receive eternal life, you [should] also receive an eternal outlook on life. You begin to live and make all your choices with eternity in view, not just time. Go into today remembering that commitment to pleasing the Lord in all things is the acid test of love for God. This is the way to know whether the truth is in you or you need to repent and give yourself to discipleship (see John 8:31-32). Prayer: Holy Spirit, please guide me into all truth. Help me live a life that is continually pleasing to you, In Jesus’ name. Amen. — Abraham Damilola Arigi Yearly Plan: Proverbs 25 (In Today’s Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Stand Unmovable

I Corinthians 15:58 (KJV) Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord Evelyn first noticed the change in Frank when she spent some time with him at his office. She noticed how glib and economical with the truth he had become. It was then that she began to look back in retrospect and began to clearly see that for some time now, Frank was beginning to nurse an unhealthy drive for material wealth. The thing was, Frank had changed church some two years ago from the church where he grew up and got saved to a new place where an unscriptural and undue emphasis was made on wealth. Ephesians 4:14 talks about the effect of the wind of doctrines on the immature believer. False teachings and wrong doctrines provide very slippery slopes that can trip up the undiscerning believer. This is because what a man believes affects his conduct and actions. A believer who has been giving to teaches that make light of walking in righteousness will not find it very difficult to begin to house and harbor a girlfriend in sin and shame and still be very committed to church. So to stand unmoveable, one of the key things to consider is the doctrine/teaching you are receiving. It was in 2 Timothy 3:16 that it was stated that all scriptures are inspired of God and are profitable for doctrine. A sound doctrine takes into account all the counsel of the scriptures being careful to emphasize what the scriptures emphasize. Whenever we begin to cherry-pick and run off with just a portion of scriptures, we can run into error and drift from the life and call to which we have been called. False doctrines are dangerous to the health and growth of a believer’s walk with the Lord. The Bible is replete with warnings against false doctrines. Don’t handle with kid gloves what the scriptures treated with seriousness. Pay attention to what you hear, and grow into maturity so you no longer be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Be unmoveable. Go into today determined to value and heed sound doctrine and remain steadfast in the Lord. Prayer: Lord, help me stand steady and unmovable. Give me an aversion to false doctrine, in Jesus’ name. Amen. — Ikechukwu Mpama Yearly Plan: Psalms 111-113 (In Today’s Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Be Discerning

Ephesians 5:17 (AMP) Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and fully grasping what the will of the Lord is “Self-love is the best kind of love, before you can love your neighbor you have to first love yourself” so said Timi to Maureen, but even though Maureen couldn’t refute his claim, she knew something was off about the statement and so she sought some help. The Bible warns that in the last days, many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (1 Tim 4:1), it is, therefore, imperative that the believer becomes more discerning in his walk. With the advent of the information age, societal influence is no longer restricted to the persons living within your community but is now also inclusive of your 3,542 friends on Facebook, and the 2,046 persons you follow on Twitter and Instagram. Information is thrown at you at the speed of light and you get to come across all kinds of philosophy and sophistry. To keep your head above waters in these times, one must be soaked in the word and possess a discerning heart that is able to sift through words to recognize falsehood despite its being garbed in carefully selected phrases, analogies, and anecdotes. The statement made to Maureen, for example, might seem to flow when taken at face value but it is certainly not the position of Scriptures. The emphasis of love in the scriptures is toward God and then toward fellow men. What about the passage that says to love your neighbor as yourself? You will need to remember that that statement was made in answer to a question, and the full answer states that we must love God with our whole being, and then we can love our fellow man (Mark 12:29-31). Love for man must flow from love for God and not some philosophical self-love. If you love God you will keep His commandment and therefore God’s word becomes your benchmark for loving. Therefore, we can do for others what we have not done for ourselves because we love and obey God. Go into today knowing that God’s way is higher than the ways of men. In Christ, we have been given the privilege to participate in God’s higher way and life. Be discerning, don’t get sucked in by the wisdom of the world. Walk in the supernatural and divine wisdom of the word. Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give me a discerning heart that hungers for Your word, In Jesus’ name. Amen. — Ikechukwu Mpama Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 1-5 Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Appeal to the Judge

Psalms 75:6-7 (KJV) For promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another. Whenever Percy thought of his workplace, all he felt was anger and resentment. He felt that his new line manager had hated him from the time he declined slightly adjusting the financial records in preparation for an audit. So much so that he had given him bad reviews on his appraisals just to punish him by making him lose his bonuses and an opportunity for a promotion and a raise. The thought that he could miss out on the promotion due him for which he had worked so hard for years further fuelled his anger. Walking with God requires placing implicit trust in Him. One of the dimensions a believer must come to know God as is as Judge. As Judge, He is not oblivious of the trials, temptations, events, and circumstances that surround your life. He knows how to dish out judgment and his judgments are not mere words but commands upon which angels must act and to which nature and circumstances bend to. This is why God says, ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay’ (Rom 12:19). And note that when God acts in ‘vengeance’, it is not vengeance in the sense in which a man pays back one who offends him, but in the sense in which a judge delivers judgment to a convicted offender. Therefore, when you feel oppressed, cheated, maltreated, or persecuted, don’t give in to the pressure to hit back, or to resort to backbiting, bitterness, or even intrigues. Simply appeal to the Judge in prayer. He has the authority and the wisdom to intervene, and his intervention are always just. He will deliver, save, uplift, and restore. Go into today confident that your life is in God’s hands and that as you commit your ways into his hands, he will direct your path. Thank you Father for being the judge of all the earth. Thank you for your righteous judgments, In Jesus’ name. Amen, —  Ikechukwu Mpama Yearly Plan: Numbers 21-24 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Discerning The Body of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:29-30 (KJV) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. Freda was so sick that it was clear to her that she might die. She had walked in divine health and healing before but did not understand why this time, the sickness did not seem to respond to her prayers. Through the ministry of a prophet, she discovered that she was afflicted because of the way she failed to discern the Lord’s body. She was an expert at publicly bringing down, criticizing, and condemning ministers of the gospel she perceived were airing in one way or another. She did not realize that even though some of the ministers she criticized were wrong, her methods and approach was unacceptable. Children of God don’t rejoice and publicly criticize matters that are a source of grief to the Lord. We don’t take our disputes to the public space and bring down one another. We are not allowed as brethren to take our disputes to public court before unbelievers (see 1 Corinthians 6:1). Why do some think we can take our matters as brethren to the public court of opinions? Christ is the head, the Church is His body. When any part of the body is sick or in pain, other parts of the body may not feel it, but the head (the mind) does. But when other parts rejoice when the head is in pain, it is because they do not rightly discern the body, and may in effect disconnect themselves from that which the head supplies. No individual part of the body can effectively continue to function without the other parts of the body. Likewise, no believer can be effective without other believers. It is suicidal to think that you are good enough as a ministry without the other ministries. We may differ in our denominations of worship, gifts, offices, and approaches, but if we have the same Lord, we are all brethren and we should walk with this knowledge. Go into today knowing that to be a true ambassador of Christ, you must live by the words of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12:26 “And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” —Emmanuel James & Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in 1 Year: Philemon (in today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp):  +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

The Dangerous Three

Ephesians 5:3 (KJV) But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints Greg found himself in a situation he never knew was possible. He had joined some ‘successful’ friends in their secret society. He was a believer who had been baptized in the Holy Ghost, but because of covetousness, he was willing to do whatever it takes to make lots of money. This covetousness ultimately led him to become a member of a demonic secret society. He didn’t plan to go that far into darkness, but it was a slippery slope and he couldn’t help the fall. Even though all sins have the same spiritual consequence of death, all sins do not have the same effect on the soul. The sins mentioned in today’s scripture are sins that weigh the heaviest on the conscience and can minister condemnation to the soul most potently. Apart from that, these sins are the most express vehicles through which demons can invade a person’s body and soul. Sexual immorality is any sexual experience outside marriage between a male man and a female woman. Uncleanness is usually related to sexual immorality and would usually lead to it. Drbouchery, lasciviousness, and pornography are good examples of uncleanliness. Covetousness is the insatiable desire to get money at all costs. It is not occasioned by need but by greed and comparisons. These three vices are some of the most potent tools the devil uses to erode the faith of believers and cause a shipwreck of faith. Go into today being careful to ensure that these dangerous works of the flesh are very far away from you. Trust the Lord for wisdom to destroy systems that enhance them and build systems around your life that make it very difficult for you to walk in them. Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me walk above the works of the flesh, and strengthen me to please you in all things, in Jesus’ name. Amen — Abraham Damilola Arigi Yearly Plan: John 16-18 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp):  +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Authority Over Death

Hebrews 2:14-15 (KJV) Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. Caleb went to visit his friend and found that they had a very fierce guard dog in their compound. Because of his previous experience with that kind of dog, and because of stories he had heard in the past, he froze with fear when after letting himself into the compound he realized that there was no one inside but he and the dog alone. As the dog rushed towards him barking, he had no choice but to shout the name of his friend. As he shouted his friend’s name, he noticed that the dog was actually afraid of him and started slowing down. He shouted again and again, and the more he did, the less afraid he became. The dog saw that he was no more afraid of it and turned away. He was no more afraid of the dog because he realized he had authority over it. You see, we don’t really fear things we have authority over, but when something is dangerous and we have no authority over it, we tend to fear it. All the authority over death has been given unto our Lord Jesus Christ. He took this authority by destroying the former holder of it– the devil. Those who are truly in Christ would share in His authority. Because of this, we are no longer to be afraid of death. Apart from the cessation of physical life, death has other manifestations in human life. Death can affect health, business, career, relationship, security, etc. Most people in the world are under bondage to mammon because of the fear of some of these manifestations of death. But those who are in Christ have authority over death. We are not to be afraid of death, and because of this, we are [to be] free indeed. What does it mean to be in Christ? It means to believe in Him and let His word abide in you and shape your life. It means to remain in Him and not go back to the world. Go into today remembering that because you are in Christ, you have authority over death. You are not to be afraid of death or any of its manifestations. Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me abide in Christ and grow in His authority, In Jesus’ name. Amen. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Yearly Plan: Amos 1-4 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348034420524 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

How Do We Treat Each Other

 1 Corinthians 8:12 (NET) If you sin against your brothers or sisters in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Liza observed that she was going through a season of spiritual dryness. She couldn’t understand why this was happening because as far as she knew, she did everything right. She kept to her Bible study and prayer schedule, was faithful in her donations to the church, etc. But she observed that her prayer time was becoming dry and unexciting. It was as if the Holy Spirit didn’t show up anymore to empower her to pray. After struggling like this for days, she became particularly concerned. ‘Lord, what is wrong, why am I not experiencing your fellowship like before?’ As soon as she prayed this prayer, she felt the presence of the Lord again. She immediately knew that something was wrong. Moments later, she received a text message from one of her Christian sisters. This message detailed how hurt and offended she was by the way Liza treated her. Liza immediately understood that the problem was that she had sinned against the Lord in the way she treated this sister. She immediately repented. Jesus is really concerned about the way we treat each other as Christians. Every Christian you relate with is not just your sister or brother but is also a child of God whose heavenly father jealously cares for. It is particularly bad when more mature believers do things that become a stumbling block for weaker believers (see Mark 9:42). Many believers have blocked the heavens above them because of the way they have treated their Christian brethren. Go into today remembering that God watches the way we treat each other as a measure of our faithlessness and love. If you truly love God, it would show in the way you treat His people. See Matthew 25:35-40 and 1 John 4:20 —Pst Abraham Damilola Arigi Bible in 1 Year: Proverbs 23-24 (in today’s audio) Streamglobe Word Encounter Will be Live Streamed Today by 11:30AM Livestream Link: Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348034420524 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

To Live is Christ

Philippians 1:21-23 (NET) For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain. Now if I am to go on living in the body, this will mean productive work for me, yet I don’t know which I prefer: I feel torn between the two, because I have a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far Chloe observed that unlike her, Mary her elder sister was no more afraid of untimely death. They were flying together in a plane when there was severe turbulence and at some point, it appeared that the pilot had lost control of the plane. Chloe started thinking about all the people that had died in previous plane crashes. She started to panic, but she observed that Mary was calm and undisturbed. A few minutes into the turbulence, Mary tapped Chloe and said “don’t worry, I can’t die now. We’d land safely”. True to Mary’s word, they landed safely despite the damaged landing gear of the plane. “How were you so sure that we wouldn’t crash? How could you have been so calm?” Chloe frantically asked Mary after they landed. “God has shown me my future and the things I would do for Him in this life. I just know I can’t die before I complete those things” Mary answered. From when Mary was a teenager, she had known the Lord and was committed to pleasing Him in all things. Everything about her life was now towards advancing the gospel and pleasing the Lord. As she grew in the knowledge of God, she grew in His authority, and she was no longer afraid of death. Chloe was convinced that the reason their pane did not crash that day was because Mary was in it. If you read today’s Bible verses carefully, you will see that Apostle Paul had the authority and the choice to determine when he would die. Death for him was not something that could happen accidentally, it was something that could only happen when he was ready to go. This kind of spiritual authority is reserved for those who, like Paul, can truly say “for me to live is Christ”. Everything about Apostle Paul’s existence was for the fulfillment of the purpose and will of Christ. That was the secret of his authority. That is the secret to living a fulfilled life that cannot be cut short by an untimely death. Go into today remembering that only the life lived for Christ truly counts in eternity. A life that counts in eternity commands the power of eternity even in time. Prayer Confession: I live a life that pleases God in all respects. I have the authority of Christ and my life cannot be cut short. I will fulfill my earthly purpose and receive a hero’s welcome in heaven, In Jesus’ name. Amen. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Yearly Plan: Psalms 108-110 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348138224547, +2348034420524 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Fight the Fight of Faith

 1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV) Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.   Amaka had a very lucrative job and was very excellent at her work. Because of this, she became a favorite of her boss. But there was one day he gave her a new assignment, and this assignment would involve her constantly telling lies and violating her conscience. She thought about it and decided to politely ask him to give the role to somebody else. He asked her why she was turning down such an opportunity to be promoted faster than her colleagues. She simply responded: ‘sir, doing this work would be against my faith’. He reminded her that he too was a Christian and even a deacon. When it was quite clear that Amaka wasn’t willing to take the ‘opportunity’ he was presenting her, he gave it to somebody else. Amaka turned down the offer because she knew taking it would be violating her faith. I find it instructive to note that she didn’t say she couldn’t do the job because of her religion, she said she couldn’t do it because it was against her faith. There are certain things that when a believer begins to do, he is doing it at the peril of his own faith. Telling lies for example, is a faith weakener. People who live by faith do not make a habit of telling lies because they believe God will come through for them and they don’t have to tell a lie. If a believer continually walks in a way that violates his faith, he is rendering himself spiritually weak and ineffective. Go into today remembering that as believers, we should fight the good fight of faith. This involves identifying the things that weaken our faith and running away from them. -Abraham Damilola Arigi Not born again? Click here ☞ Get audio sermons here☞ Yearly Plan: I Chronicles 25-29 (In Devotional Audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together. Send testimonies and prayer requests here(WhatsApp): +2348034420524, +2348138224547 Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

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