
Theme: The Last Days
Topic: The Great Tribulation And The Church
Text: Matthew 24:15-28

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There are various schools of thought on this subject matter. The “Amillenial” worldview describes it as persecution faced by Asian Christians of John’s time; symbolic of tribulation that occurs throughout history. The “Historical Premillenial” viewpoint opines that it is a period at the end time of unexplained trouble, before Christ’s return; the church will go through it; begins with the seventh seal (Rev. 18:1) which includes trumpets 1-6 (Rev. 8:2-14:20). The “Dispensational Premillenial” viewpoint says it is a period at the endtime of unexplained trouble referred to in Rev. 7:14 and described in chapters 11-18; lasts three and a half years (the latter half of a seven year period between rapture and the millennium). In other words, the church would be raptured before the tribulation.
We will look at these and other viewpoints in the light of scripture and align with the position of scripture.


1) What does the bible teach about the Great Tribulation?

2) A time of intense trouble and persecution – Daniel 12:1; Matt. 24:12, 15,21-22

3) Length of the tribulation – Matt. 24:22, Daniel 7:25, Rev. 12:14, Rev. 11:2, Rev. 12:6.

4) Antichrist blasphemes and says he is God – Daniel 7:25, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Rev. 13:6

5) Much of the world worships him – Rev. 13:8,13-14

6) The mark, the image and enforced worship of the beast – Rev. 13:15-18, Rev. 14:9-11

7) The false prophet – Rev. 13:11-16, Rev. 19:20

*Will the church go through the tribulation?*

8) Who does the Lord refer to as the “elects” in Matt. 24:22,24,31. Rom 8:33, Col, 3:12, (Discussion).

9) The antichrist persecution of Christians – Rev. 13:7, Daniel 7:21,25, Daniel 11:35

10) Protection and provision during tribulation – Rev.9:3-4, Rev. 11:3,5-7, Rev. 12:6, 14

11) Witnessing during the tribulation – Daniel 11:33

12) Christians overcome and survive despite persecution – Rev. 12:11, Daniel 11:32, Rom. 8:35-37, 1 Cor. 15:51-52, 1 Thess 4:16-17 (many Christians will still be alive at Jesus’ second coming after the great tribulation)

13) Why God allows us to suffer tribulation – Daniel 11:35, Daniel 12:10, Isaiah 48:10, Proverbs 17:3, Ephesians 5:27.

14) Future heavenly reward for enduring tribulation – Rev. 7:9,13-17, Rev. 20:4

In conclusion, from the scriptures examined above, the great tribulation will be a time of great difficulty and intense pressure. It is therefore necessary for the church to be properly informed and to prepare effectively by developing patience and endurance; be equipped with the word to witness more aggressively and to persevere to the end, even in the face of difficulty.

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