Rev 3:11 (NET) I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have so that no one can take away your crown.

When Christ returns to take over the government of this world (Rev 11:15), He will not rule the entire earth alone, but will rule and judge with His saints (see 1 Cor 6:2-3). He will apportion territories and dominion according to our kingdom ranking. Some will be given ten cities to rule while some will be given 5, etc. (see Luke 19:11-19). Your ranking and reward is based on how you are faithful with the little God has entrusted to you in this time (see Luke 16:10).

I believe one reason we would be given crowns is because we will be given territories to rule. Crowns are given to rulers; they are not just symbols for reward.

God does not do anything without first concluding it in the realm of eternity. Your lot and portion in the kingdom of God (including your crowns) have been concluded from before the foundation of the world. If you fulfill your calling here on earth by yielding to God’s foreordained will through obedience to His word and Spirit, you will receive your crown of dominion, and territories to rule in the coming kingdom. But if for some reason, you refuse to align your will with the will of God to fulfill your calling, like the unfaithful servant in Luke 29:23-24, what you have (your throne and crown) will be given to someone else. There can be no vacant throne in the coming kingdom.

Go into today knowing that God wants you to fulfill your destiny more than you want to fulfill it. Ask the Lord to deliver you from all [satanic] deception and procrastination. Ask him to lead you in the path of righteousness [and destiny] for His name’s sake.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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