Ephesians 5:17 (NET) For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.
Aarav read all the psychology books about marriage he could find because he wanted to have a successful marriage. But he found that all his knowledge (and the application thereof) was not strong enough to save his marriage. Things became too mechanical and the marriage was heading for a crash.
When he accepted Christ, he sought for and discovered the will of God concerning marriage. He realized and understood true love. He found that by simply loving his wife, being the head (through sacrifice and not by manipulation or coercion), his marriage became much better and sweeter.
He came to discover that walking in God’s will is wiser than the best of human wisdom.
Wisdom can be defined as the right application of knowledge to achieve set goals. But the best of human knowledge sometimes prove not sufficient to solve the real issues of life (because many have spiritual roots). The wisest thing for a person is to understand the will of God concerning things and walk in it (walking in the will of God produces great spiritual power).
Understanding is a function of the human spirit (see Job 32:8). It takes a regenerated human spirit to understand the will of God. When a person accepts [the Lordship of] Christ Jesus, his spirit is born again{after God’s nature] and now has the ability to understand the will of God. God has His will concerning every area of life. With the help of the Word and the Holy Spirit, we can understand God’s will, and walking in God’s will is the true definition of wisdom.
We are eternal beings; we would all be alive and conscious in the next millions and billions of years. Many decisions made outside of the [consideration of the] will of God may look wise within the context of time [under the sun], but would end up being revealed to be very foolish decisions when seen from an eternal perspective. The only way we can truly walk wisely is to seek to understand the will of the Lord and walk in it.
Go into today with a renewed desire to understand God’s will concerning every area of your life. This is the key to walking in [eternal] wisdom.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi
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