Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1645 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NET) My conversation and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God. It is on record that when Billy Graham traveled long hours to preach, he spent most of the time praying. It is also on record that his words were not empty words, but they were packed with the power of God to convict people and draw them to salvation. Note that Paul said my conversation and preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom. So he preached with words, but the purpose of his words was not primarily to persuade or wow people, it was to transmit spirit and power. Words can transmit knowledge and wisdom and that is the most common application of words. But words can also be used to transmit the spirit and life (power). This was the way Jesus used His words when He preached. He said the words that I speak to you are spirit and life (see John 6:63). Those who listened to Jesus said no one ever spoke the way He spoke because the effect of His speaking was different from what they were used to (see John 7:46, Luke 24:32). The way Jesus spoke and preached should also be the way we speak and preach because as the Father sent Him, so has He sent us (John 20:21). We must use our words primarily to transmit spirit and life when preaching. Go into today knowing that before your words can transmit power, you have to be full of power yourself. Those who walk in this dimension are people of prayer. Prayer is the surest way to make much power available (see James 5:16). —SD Abraham YBR: Job 39-40 (in today’s audio) Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons Not yet saved? Tap here☞ http://bit.ly/beSaved2 Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201645.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1643 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NET) My conversation and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God. Feyi had come out for alter call to become born again, and attended discipleship class afterward. He believed he was born again, but there were certain sins that he easily fell into, and fell one time too many. At a given point, he was tired of the rising and falling and cried to God to help him live a holy life. He saw a video on Facebook about the gospel message. The first point the preacher made was that ‘if a person is born again, it means he has accepted Jesus as his Lord’. The preacher went on to explain the meaning of the word Lord. He explained how those who believe in Jesus must be submitted to His authority. Feyi never knew this before. Jesus was not yet the Lord of his life, he (Feyi) was the still the Lord of his life. After watching the video, Feyi confessed Jesus as his lord and master, and he realized that after submitting to the Lord, he felt the power and dominion of the Holy Spirit like never before. That was the end of his struggle with sin. No one can confess that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:3). Many people in church today do not enjoy the grace of God supplied by the Holy Spirit because they are not yet submitted to the authority of the Lord Jesus. Go into today remembering that being a believer means you have submitted to the authority and government of the Lord Jesus. His government (the kingdom of God) will regulate every area of your life. —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons Not yet saved? Tap here☞ http://bit.ly/beSaved2 YBR: Psalms 57-59 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional
Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1643 1 Corinthians 2:3-4 (NKJV) I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power If you read the verses above, they may appear contradictory at first. Apostle Paul talks here about being with the Corinthians in weakness and much trembling, and yet in the same breath, he is talking about demonstrating the spirit and power of God. ‘I was with you in weakness and much trembling’. What does this mean? This means Paul made it very clear to everyone that he was just an ordinary human being like them. He refused to elevate himself to superhuman status even though he did very many superhuman things. For example, there was a time some of the people he preached to wanted to begin worshiping him as a god (Acts 14:14). He tore his clothes and revealed his flesh just to make it clear to them that he was an ordinary human being like them. I can imagine that happening to some ministers today. They would sit on the throne offered to them and say something like ‘after all, the scriptures say we are gods. We even have more authority than these idols they are claiming we are’. Such ministers can never raise disciples who will grow from being spiritual babes. Because Paul he made it clear to the people that he was a mortal human like them, when they saw the manifestation of the Spirit and power of God, they knew it wasn’t Paul working but Christ working through Paul. Therefore, their faith was in Christ and not in Paul. Go into today remembering that when people have their faith divided between men and God, they will not be able to grow in their knowledge of God. The Corinthian believers remained babes because of this very reason. Some said I am of Paul, others Apollos, etc. (see 1 Cor 3:1-4). —SD Abraham Not yet saved? Tap here☞ http://bit.ly/beSaved2 YBR: II Samuel 15-19 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201643.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1642 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 (NKJV) And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Apostle Paul went to Corinth with one purpose. He went to preach the undiluted gospel of Christ Jesus to them. All Paul preached was Christ and Him crucified. What does this mean? In Mathew 16:16, it was remarkable when Peter revealed that Jesus was the Christ– the son of the living God. This is the meat and the center of the gospel message. Implicit in this truth is the fact that Jesus is Lord and everyone should submit to Him. This is the gospel that Jesus and His disciples preached even before Jesus died on the cross (Matt 4:23). The reason the Jews killed Jesus was because of this claim that He is the Son of God. As proof that Jesus and His disciples were not lying about His identity, God raised Jesus from the dead after the third day. This is the reason why today, the preaching of the gospel will always include the fact that Jesus resurrected– it is God’s undeniable proof that Jesus is indeed Lord and Christ. This was what Paul preached. He preached that Jesus was the Christ, and that He was crucified and resurrected from the dead after the third day. Those who believed this were the ones who were saved. As Romans 10:9 points out, anyone who truly believes that God raised Jesus from the dead believes that Jesus is Lord (the Messiah, the Christ) because His resurrection is proof that He is Lord. Go into today remembering that what it means to be a believer is to believe and accept Christ Jesus as Lord. This means you submit to Him and let Him rule your life. —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons YBR: Exodus 25-28 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201642.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:30-31 (NKJV) But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God–and righteousness and sanctification and redemption– that, as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” Before Ogundare became a believer, he had gone very far in the occult and was exposed to the depths of darkness. He had a business competition with a believer and decided to take the battle to the spirit realm so that he would have the upper hand. This was when he discovered that God was eternity’s Holy King, and Christians are indeed God’s children that He watches jealously. What made Ogundare become a believer was his realization that Christians had access to a relationship with this God. Because he understood spiritual things and spiritual protocols, he wondered how it was possible for ordinary mortal human beings to have a relationship with such a Holy and great God. Even great spirits could not attain to this standard. He understood that relationship with spiritual dignitaries required spiritual wisdom, and he knew that ordinary human beings could never possess the wisdom required to relate to almighty God. He later discovered that Jesus was made the wisdom of God for us, and it is through Him and because of Him that we have a relationship with God. There are four major requirements for having a relationship with Almighty God, and they are mentioned in today’s Bible verses. They are redemption, sanctification, righteousness, and [spiritual] wisdom. We as sinful mortal beings could never attain to these. Christ Jesus has become these for us [who believe in Him], that is why we are able to have a relationship with God. This is the reason why no one who truly knows God can take credit for it. He will always be grateful to Jesus. Go into today thanking the Lord for being the reason you have a relationship with Almighty God. —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons YBR: II Corinthians 9-10 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201641.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
John 8:12 (AMP) Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, “ I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” After it rained one evening, I watched in amazement how so many moths danced around a street light. They all were drawn to it as if their lives depended on it. I, therefore, decided to search out the reason why, but to my surprise, it still remains a mystery, as no finite answer has been given for this phenomenon. Unlike the moth, we have a clear reason for following Jesus. In Him is light and His light is what gives us life (Jn 1:4). Unfortunately, many are no longer attracted to The Light. We must ask ourselves: Is being a follower of Jesus still attractive to us, and is the gospel still exciting to us just like when we first heard it? Also, our attraction to Jesus must not just be for only certain aspects of our lives but must be for all aspects. If a house has its rooms lit up at night but remains dark in the kitchen or bathroom areas, wouldn’t there still remain the potential for someone to stumble and get hurt? Every room in our lives must be illuminated by the Word (Col 3:16). Summarily, in upholding our salvation, we must remain attracted to Jesus (1Cor 15:2, 1Jn 2:28). As we grow in Him, it is our responsibility, concerning every dark situation we desire to change, to take the light of His Word and apply it till all around us is bright (Pro 4:18). Go into today walking in the light of His Word and as you do so, you will not stumble (Ps 119:105). —Chibo E.C. Not yet saved? Go here☞ http://bit.ly/beSaved2 YBR: Luke 1-2 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201640.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
1 Corinthians 1:28-29 (NET) God chose what is low and despised in the world, what is regarded as nothing, to set aside what is regarded as something, so that no one can boast in his presence. When Terna was a teenager, he used to hear the message of the gospel but he ignored it because he wanted to enjoy his life and the gospel looked like something that would deny him this enjoyment. He was a very adventurous person and liked trying new things out. By the time he was 35 years old, he had been worn out and weary of ’enjoying life’. Many things had happened to him, his marriage was broken, he started having certain health challenges, and his heart was filled with hatred and anger. Two days after his wife left him, he was scrolling through some channels on the TV and he heard a preacher inviting the viewers to accept the Lord Jesus Christ. At this point in his life, he was now wary and burdened, he now remembered that there was peace and joy in Christ because he had heard the gospel all his life. He was now ready to accept the Lord Jesus. You see, in order for a person to receive the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, they have to first acknowledge their need for God. Many times, a physical or material need reveals this need faster, and that is why the gospel is preached to the poor (Luke 4:18, Matt 11:15). Everyone needs the gospel, but not everyone knows that they need the gospel until a need they can understand reveals their spiritual poverty. God loves to save those who are the lowest and most despised because through their lives, He manifests His superior power. He alone can make something out of nothing. Go into today remembering that when the Lord saves the despised and downtrodden, he makes them into great people both in time and in eternity. —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons YBR: Jeremiah 32-36 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201639.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1638 1 Corinthians 1:26-27 (NET) Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. Many of the Corinthian believers believed because they needed the Lord to solve their physical and material problems. Some of them were really poor and needy. They saw the demonstration of the spirit and power of God when the gospel was preached and this attracted them to receive the gospel(1 Cor 2:4). Many people who eventually became born again came to the Lord because of their needs and wants. Some wanted the Lord to heal them or heal a loved one, and then they believed because they saw the Lord’s healing power. Others were in really tight situations of lack and want, and they needed the help of the Lord- and this drew them to the Lord. The unfortunate thing is that some people do not grow above that realm of needs-propelled faith without a desire for a relationship with the Lord God, and this is indeed the realm of spiritual babes. God loves to choose the weaker and rejected ones in order for Him to use them to show forth His glory and power. Abraham and Sarah found it impossible to have children, but Abraham was the one the Lord chose to be the patriarch of His firstborn nation. Go into today remembering that just as it is impossible for a person to receive the gospel unless he acknowledges his need for the Lord, it is impossible for God to use those who are proud and puffed up for His good works because He resists the proud. Those who receive His grace are those who are humble enough to look up to Him (James 4:6). #1Corinthians —SD Abraham Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons YBR: Job 37-38 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional
Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ https://t.me/streamglobe1 Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ https://chat.whatsapp.com/0WSMsMc5nvOIAm3hnyuqVU Download Today’s Audio here☞ http://bit.ly/aud1637 1 Corinthians 14:15 (KJV) What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. Prior to praying in the Spirit, Daniel would pray only in his understanding. Most times he prayed he would find himself drifting in thought while praying. This situation continued until one day he attended an impartation service and got baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This spiritual transformation changed his prayer life and made him now be able to pray without losing focus, understand and apply the right scriptures in his prayers, and obtain tremendous answers to his prayers (including for things he couldn’t remember asking for). Praying through can be simply put as effective communication with God. However, due to the inherent infirmity of the flesh and the human mind, there’s always that tendency for it to be burdened, afflicted, or distracted by either men or the devil, leading to voided prayers. God primarily communicates with us by the spirit and not by the flesh. Since our mind’s ability to grasp the things of the Spirit is limited, the best way for us to pray through and obtain results is for us to pray in the Spirit (1Cor 2:10-15, 14:2). Among other things, praying in tongues helps us present our case before God perfectly. It helps us shield our prayers from demonic obstacles and allows us wider coverage without praying amiss (Rom 8:26-27, 1Cor 14:2, Eph 6:18). Doing this consistently enables us to develop our faith to the point where our minds now begin to see the reality of answers (Jud 1:20). Determine today to pray in tongues. As you do so, the power of God’s anointing will cause you to receive answers to your prayers, based on His promises (2Cor 1:20-22). —Chibo E.C. Get our free AUDIO SERMONS here☞ http://bit.ly/SERmons YBR: Psalms 54-56 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201637.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Proverbs 22:12 (NKJV) The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, But He overthrows the words of the faithless. As a new believer, Mimi always left the place of prayer feeling very frustrated, as though there was a ceiling preventing her prayers from reaching God. But when she began to build herself up in faith by studying and meditating on God’s Word, her resolve in the place of prayer was strengthened and in a short while, she started seeing great results. One of the surest ways of praying through is praying using God’s word. It says in Hosea 14 verse 2 (NASB): Take words with you and return to the Lord. Say to Him, “Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously, that we may present the fruit of our lips”. It means we must always take God’s word to Him in prayer. From our scriptural text, lack of knowledge or a deceitful and misinformed use of God’s Word is what leads to the frustration of voided prayers. God wants us to have all that He has already provided for us by grace through Christ. He looks to see if we’re searching with all our hearts to receive them by faith when we pray (See Jer 29:12-13). It is only by faith that we receive that which grace has made available, and faith comes through the word (Rom 10:17). Prayer is like a fire that grows. For it to keep burning and consume prayer requests, it needs a constant supply of wood which is the Word. If the wood is small, the fire dies easily (See Lev 6:12-13). Delve into God’s Word today, and as you pray in accordance with His will, you’ll experience the joy of answered prayers (1Jn 5:14-15). -Chibo E.C. Not yet saved? Tap here☞ http://bit.ly/beSaved2 YBR: II Samuel 10-14 Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 www.streamglobe.org Source: Devotional http://listen.streamglobe.org/Devotional%20Audio%201636.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS