Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:14 (NET) The unbeliever does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him. And he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. Daramola observed that many things they taught in church didn’t make too much sense to him. Even though he was born into a Christian family, he did not understand how a person would live for a kingdom that they cannot see. As far as he was concerned, life was about making as much money as possible and enjoying the money. One of the first things that happened to him when he became born again was that it became clearer and clearer to him how empty and vain worldly possessions really were. They could no longer satisfy him, and unlike before when he sought to get satisfaction by seeking more of them, he now understood that the material things of this world didn’t have the ability to satisfy. He didn’t have this wisdom before. He kept running after more and more, and was never really satisfied. Daramola came to realize that the solution to the thirst and hunger in his soul was only found in Christ. For the first time in his life, he found rest for his soul. He was no more seeking to be validated by things and people; he knew he was accepted and loved by Almighty God. If you notice that the things of the Spirit of God are beginning to look less important to you, it is an indication that your faith is under attack. You may want to spend more time in prayer and be more careful about the persons you spend much of your time with. Unbelief is a spiritually contagious disease. Go into today remembering that as believers, we are kingdom agents who live for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Everything else comes second. —SD Abraham Not yet saved? Tap here☞ Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 29-32 (Available in Today’s Audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Get more on our website☞ Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:12-13 (NKJV) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. Computers can control very many external devices like printers, joysticks, speakers, scanners, etc. But for this to happen, their respective drivers must first be installed in the operating system of the computer. This is what gives the computer knowledge about the hardware and enable it to use the hardware. When a hardware driver is installed, it informs the computer about the hardware and enables it to use the hardware. No matter how new and perfect the hardware you connect to a computer is, if the driver software is not installed, the computer would not be able to recognize and use it. No matter what we have been freely given by God, if we do not receive knowledge and empowerment from the Holy Spirit, we would not be able to use it. If we only have mental knowledge of these things, we are unable to utilize them and walk in them. The kind of knowledge given by the Holy Spirit doesn’t just inform, it empowers. You may know that ‘by His stripes, you are healed,’ but when the Holy Spirit furnishes that knowledge in your heart, it will empower you to walk in that reality. Go into today remembering that the knowledge furnished by the Holy Spirit does not just help you know the things freely given to you by God, it helps you receive them. Prayer: Lord, help me to know and receive all your gifts by the Spirit. Amen. —SD Abraham YBR: II Corinthians 11-13 (in today’s audio)Not yet saved? Tap here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:12 (NET) Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things that are freely given to us by God. After Ugochukwu became baptized in the Holy Spirit, he realized that he had more power within him to do the things of God. Prayer became much easier and he could now pray for much longer. He had always desired to pray longer each day because he understood that that was the secret of walking in great supernatural power, but he did not have the ability to pray long until he became baptized in the Holy Spirit. Ugochukwu became bolder and was now able to share the gospel with people he used to be too shy to share the gospel with. He also observed that when he now read the Bible, he understood it. There were now many things that he just now understood in his heart that he didn’t understand before. He also observed that he now understood the fear of the Lord and saw how it was the beginning of wisdom. I have met Christians who underestimate the importance of spiritual knowledge and wisdom because they are more interested in spiritual power. What they do not understand is that great power that can only be revealed because of the right knowledge, and knowledge is power. One kind of knowledge that the Holy Spirit brings is what I call native knowledge. It is like the kind of knowledge that a lion has and it knows that it is to roar and rule. Without this native knowledge, no matter how potentially power the animal is, it would never utilize this power. Go into today thanking the Lord for the privilege to have the indwelling Holy Spirit. Prayer: Lord, fill me with all spiritual wisdom and understanding (pray with Col 1:9-10). —SD Abraham YBR: Luke 3-4 (in today’s audio)Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:11 (NET) For who among men knows the things of a man except the man’s spirit within him? So too, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. The word Bârâ in Hebrew means to create something out of nothing. It was only used twice in the whole account of creation. It was used when Genesis reported that the heavens and the earth were created (Gen 1:1), and when Genesis reported that man was created (Gen 1:27). Everything else was made out of something already existing. That says a lot about the value God places on man. In today’s Bible verse, why would the Holy Spirit (through Paul) compare the way the human spirit operates in man with the way the Holy Spirit operates in the Godhead? It is because man was created not just in the image of God, but also in the likeness of God. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are three different persons that agree in one (1 John 5:7-8). It wasn’t the decision of one of them to create man; it wasn’t just the decision of the Lord God (Jehovah) –who is the second person of the Godhead, and the pre-incarnate Jesus. It wasn’t just the decision of the Holy Spirit who was exclusively the one who hovered over the face of the deep before the earth was formed. It was the decision of the plurality of the Godhead to make man. Thus, it says ‘let us make man in our image’. That is why Jesus who is God become flesh was described in this way. ‘For in him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily’ (Col 2:9). This is because He became a man created in the image of the Godhead. Go into today thanking God for the privilege to know Him in a way that angels cannot because we were created in a way that makes it possible for us to know and fellowship with all of the Godhead. —SD Abraham YBR: Job 41-42 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ Romans 8:6-9 (NET)  For the outlook of the flesh is death, but the outlook of the Spirit is life and peace, because the outlook of the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to the law of God, nor is it able to do so. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this person does not belong to him. When Ugochukwu became born again, he realized that he was no longer comfortable with the things he used to do as an unbeliever. No one told him when he deleted most of the unwholesome videos on his phone. He just knew keeping was wrong and dangerous to his new life in Christ. He also knew that the songs he had were no longer appropriate for him, so he deleted all the songs on his phone and laptop. He had a girlfriend and they were deeply in love, but he knew that the foundation and everything about that relationship was sin, so he called off the relationship. Ugochukwu did all these because the Spirit of God was now within him and he yielded to the leading of the Spirit. He was told by the person who led him to Christ that yielding to the Holy Spirit is the only way to live this new born-again life. One of the major things the Spirit of God will do within a believer is to change his outlook to life from that of the flesh to that of the Spirit. Every human being was born with the outlook of the flesh and lives to please himself. But when you become born again, by the word of God and the Spirit of God, that outlook is changed to one that seeks to please God. —SD Abraham YBR: Psalms 60-62 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (NKJV)  But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. When Laide was going through the challenges she faced as a student on campus, she almost lost all hope and gave up. But what kept her going was the word of God and the Holy Spirit. One way the Holy Spirit comforts us is by revealing things to us that will comfort us. The things He reveals to us are the basis of our hope and tokens of God’s love for us. They do not only span things in time, but they cover things in eternity that God has purposed for us. An unrenewed mind does not have the ability to decode and understand the things revealed to his spirit by the Spirit of God. Those who are spiritually mature are those whose minds have been renewed to conform to the mind of Christ. The fact that you are born again does not mean you have a renewed inner man. The new man you have put on needs renewal through the knowledge of the word (see Col 3:9-10). Go into today knowing that spiritual maturity is through the renewal of your mind by the word of God and by prayer. It is only a renewed mind that can understand the things the spirit reveals–things that the natural human mind cannot comprehend. prayer: Ask the Lord to help you always walk in the newness of the mind. —SD Abraham YBR: II Samuel 20-24 (in today’s audio) Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ Download Today’s Audio here☞ 1 Corinthians 2:8 (NET) None of the rulers of this age understood it. If they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. When Laide got into medical school, she was the best student in her class and all things appeared to be moving very smoothly for her. But when she became born again, it appeared that all hell broke loose against her. She was confused because she thought being born again meant that things were even going to get better. As she chose to wait on the Lord despite the many challenges she was now facing, she was developing spiritual capacity and might. She grew in her knowledge of the Lord and became a person of high esteem in heaven. This was why when she eventually became a medical doctor, she used to pray for her sick patients and get them healed of incurable illnesses. Many patients that would have died were healed because of her. She had a reputation in the hospital as the doctor who solves the most difficult and hopeless conditions. Cancers disappeared under her ministrations. Many very influential people in society came to the Lord through her because they were once her patients. It takes the wisdom of God to know the counsel of God and understand what God is doing and how He is doing it per time. One thing we shouldn’t forget is that the rulers of the darkness of this world cannot decipher what God is doing in the world and in your life per time. They can only speculate and discover as it is unraveled. Just like they did in the case of Jesus and unknowingly facilitated the agenda of God by crucifying Him, the worst they can do against a person under his lordship will end up facilitating God’s agenda. Go into today remembering that as long as you are under the Lordship of Christ, the worst that the kingdom of darkness can do against you will ultimately work out for good.  —SD Abraham YBR: Exodus 29-32 (in today’s audio) Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional


1 Corinthians 2:7 (NKJV) But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory A certain wealthy man traveled for a very long time. He left a great wonderful estate for his children. This estate was filled with all kinds of great and wonderful machines that were designed to do all kinds of great and wonderful things for his children. But by the time he traveled, his children were still too young so they could not read the manual that would help them utilize the house and machines. They would have to grow up and learn how to read before they can possess their possessions. The wealthy man employed a teacher who would help his children through this. There were all kinds of smart domestic animals in the estate, but no matter how smart the animals became, and no matter how old they grew, they could never read and understand the manual because it was written in a language higher than their comprehension. The wisdom of God is encrypted in a code that only He and His children can decode. It is only the mature, those schooled by the Spirit of God and transformed into the image of Christ, that will be able to decode this mystery. That is why it is through the Church that the manifold wisdom of God will be shown to principalities(smart animals) and powers (Eph 3:10). It is by this wisdom that we walk in the power and glory of God. It is by this wisdom that things are created and sustained (Prov 3:19, Jer 10:12). Go into today remembering that as a believer in Christ, it is your heritage to walk in God’s wisdom as you submit to the educational system of the Holy Spirit who is our teacher. Thank God for this privilege.  —SD Abraham YBR: II Corinthians 11-13 (in today’s audio) Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with contacts and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524 Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS


1 Corinthians 2:6 (NET) Now we do speak wisdom among the mature, but not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are perishing. I have observed over the years as Streamglobe Devotional has grown is that the pattern and the way the Holy Spirit has led us to edit the devotionals have changed as the number of people reading it increased. When the readers were relatively few and mostly more mature believers, the devotionals had fever stories, were longer in length and were packed with deeper spiritual wisdom –strong spiritual meat. But I have noticed that as the number of readers greatly increased, and many of them new believers and babes in the faith, the Holy Spirit has directed us to feed His lambs with more basic truths. When Apostle Paul taught the Corinthians, he could only teach them the rudiments of the faith. He could not go further into the deep things of spiritual wisdom and revelation because they did not have the capacity to understand them as spiritual babes. When deep spiritual wisdom is spoken among the immature, it profits nothing, and may even cause a loss. It is just like force-feeding babies with solid food and strong meat. But when wisdom is spoken among the mature, they have the ability to understand it and become more fruitful thereby. The church is not a club for the spiritual babes nor is it one for the spiritually mature alone. It is a place where you will find a mix of both the mature and the babes. It is, therefore, wrong to always feed the people with spiritual food meant for only one category of the Lord’s fold.   Go into today remembering that as you are yielded to the Holy Spirit, He will guide you into the right things to teach to the right people. He will also guide your understanding of the words that you hear. —SD Abraham YBR: Luke 3-4 (in today’s audio) Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ DOWNLOAD TODAY’S AUDIO HERE☞ Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Not yet saved? Tap here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524   Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS


1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NET) My conversation and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on the power of God. We saw earlier that one reason Paul chose to abide with the Corinthians in ‘weakness, fear and trembling’(1 Cor 2:3) was because he did everything possible to make them understand that he was an ordinary human being like them, even though he did very many superhuman things. He did this because he wanted them to put their trust in the Lord Jesus alone when they saw the demonstration of the spirit and power of God. If he didn’t do this, there was the possibility that their trust will also be on him because of the superhuman things that he did. For this same reason, Apostle Paul chose not to preach to them with persuasive words of human wisdom, but with the demonstration of the Spirit and power of God.  He was introducing the people to Jesus by showing them His power. They believed in Jesus because they saw proof of His existence and superiority. Even though the Corinthians were in a society where the manifestation of supernatural power was common, the power of God (as it always does) proved itself to be superior, and this brought them to submit to Christ as Lord. Apart from the fact that the words that Apostle Paul spoke were loaded with power that caused people to be convicted and repent, this power also caused miracles and wonders to happen. Go into today asking the Lord to fill you with the power and make you an able minister of the new testament.  —SD Abraham YBR: Jeremiah 37-41 (in today’s audio) Join our social groups to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day: Follow this link for Telegram☞ Follow this link for WhatsApp ☞ DOWNLOAD TODAY’S AUDIO HERE☞ Get AUDIO SERMONS here☞ Not yet saved? Tap here☞ Kindly share this Interdenominational Devotional with friends and let’s touch lives together. WhatsApp: +2348034420524   Source: Devotional Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

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