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Romans 6:19 (NET) (I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh.) For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.
Maxine got to understand that her challenges with sinful habits had gone beyond the works of the flesh but demons were involved, thus she got delivered and could now control herself and say ‘no’ to certain sins she didn’t have the ability resist in the past. But as weeks passed, she found herself back into the bondage of those sins again. There was no doubt in her heart that she was delivered, but she found that she got back into the bondage again. This was because she had not replaced her slavery to sin with slavery to righteousness.
It has been said that the easiest way to overcome an addiction is to replace it with another.
Whenever God says we should not do something, He tells us what to do in its stead.
In Psalm 1, the Lord says we should not walk in the counsel of ungodly, stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful, he tells us what to do instead. He says our delight should be in His word and we should meditate on it day and night. So instead of spending time with the wrong company, he wants us to spend time with His word.
If the Lord says we should not be drunk with wine, he gives us something we should do instead. He says we should be filled with the Spirit instead (see Eph 5:19).
If a person is not to be a slave to sin anymore, he would have to be a slave to righteousness. Nature abhors vacuums. If a person is delivered from slavery to sin but is not delivered into slavery to righteousness, he would go back into slavery to sin.
How do we come under slavery to righteousness so that we do not go back to slavery to sin? By submitting to the Spirit of righteousness and letting Him fill us. Just like communing with people who are slaves to sin brings people under slavery to sin, when a person who has been delivered from slavery to sin continues to fellowship with those who are slaves to righteousness, he too will be like them. A man who walks with the wise will become wise (see Proverbs 13:20).
One thing through which evil company corrupts is the words and counsel they give. Words of unrighteousness shape the world view of the unrighteous. But when a person wants to be a slave to righteousness, he would need to unlearn the philosophies and maxims of unrighteousness he had lived by in past and submit to the educational system of righteousness through the ministry of God’s Word. His value system needs to change to that of Christ.
The worst thing that can happen to a believer is being a slave to sin, it gives license to the kingdom of darkness. But being a slave to righteousness is the way to excel and be fruitful in God’s eternal kingdom.
Go into today remembering that the only way to remain free from slavery to sin is to become a slave to righteousness.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you to totally submit to Him and never be a slave to anyone or anything but Him.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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