Broadcast 3690 Rom 8:7-8 (MSG) Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what He is doing. 8 And God isn’t pleased at being ignored. After Chioma believed, her biggest struggle was with changing her way of life. Chioma found it particularly difficult to stop walking in the flesh and start walking in the Spirit because she was not ready to give up anything for the sake of the gospel. She still wanted to have the best of both worlds, and that was where her problem was. As Chioma grew in spiritual understanding, it became clear to her that it was impossible for her to be like this and please God at the same time. She had to choose who she wanted to please with her life. The outlook of the flesh is one that seeks to hold on to things and focus on you. It is selfish and self-centered. The outlook of the spirit is one that is very willing to give up things for the sake of Christ and the gospel. It is God-centered. A person walking in the spirit can give up anything for the sake of Christ because he understands that what he gains in the kingdom of God cannot be sufficiently measured in time and space. This knowing is furnished by the Holy Spirit within him. A person walking in the flesh only thinks about this life and how he can get more. Go into today knowing that the most important thing in this world is less than the least important thing in God’s kingdom. Nothing is too big to give up for the sake of Christ’s glorious kingdom.—Abraham Damilola ArigiJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: II Corinthians 6-8 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational
Romans 8:5 (NET) For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit. After Onuh believed in the Lord Jesus, he knew God had great plans for him, and he loved the idea of living his life for God. But this was his problem: his life’s ambition which he forged while an unbeliever did not change. This ambition was based on a worldly philosophy. This was the reason Onuh never walked in the Spirit and grow spiritually. What does it mean to have your outlook shaped by the things of the spirit? it means the things that appeal to you and please you are things that also please the Holy Spirit. A Christian whose outlook is shaped by the things of the flesh is Carnal. It is only things of this world that appeal to him and he cares very little about pleasing the Lord. He lives for himself and only thinks about himself. A Christian whose outlook is shaped by the things of the spirit is spiritual and cares a lot about pleasing the Lord. He lives for Christ and thinks about Christ all the time. Many Christians desire to walk in the spirit but have not redefined their philosophy in life. They still lead their lives according to the standards of this world, and they wonder why walking in the Spirit is only a theoretical concept to them. Go into today knowing that a person who still lives for this world cannot walk in the spirit. A person who walks in the Spirit lives for Christ and spends his days pleasing Christ. This person’s life would manifest the life and peace of God (see Rom 8:6).—Abraham Damilola ArigiJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Mark 15-16 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational
Rom 8:4 (AMP) So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit]. Just imagine that someone is required to travel from his village to the city, but the only way he knows to do so is by trekking. He begins to trek. His master who loves him buys him brand-new shoes with which to trek. But as it becomes clear that he can’t make it to the city by trekking, his master buys him a car and teaches him to drive. He gets to his destination because of this. The law can be likened to the pair of shoes given to the person to aid him. But God knows that even with the law, it was impossible for man to meet the requirements of His truth and reality. The ultimate purpose of these requirements was that man should walk in love for God and love for his neighbors. This physical conformity to God’s nature of love was the only way that man could accommodate God’s glory in his fallen nature. We see in the old testament that a little willingness to conform to the righteousness of God brought great prosperity to the people of Israel. But it was ultimately impossible for man to do this in truth. Therefore God sent Christ to help us through His Spirit. Go into today remembering that anyone who is in Christ will be free from the power of sin and free to walk in the Spirit. When a person walks in the spirit, he is walking in the righteousness of God, he is walking in love, he is walking in the blessing. Ask the Lord to help you walk in the Spirit always.—Abraham Damilola ArigiJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Jeremiah 27-31 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download (Duration: 32:29 — 11.3MB)Subscribe: RSS
Romans 8:3 (AMP) For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] condemned sin in the flesh [subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice] Ade had a computer he used for his daily business. But one day the computer got infected with a terrible virus and he did not know. He only noticed that it was now impossible for his computer to establish a connection with the internet. He thought the problem was with his internet service provider so he subscribed to another provider, but his computer still would not connect. Because of the virus, Ade couldn’t do business that day and lost money. What was the purpose of the law? It was to subdue the power of sin over people. Sin is like a spiritual virus that makes it impossible for man to connect with God and have fellowship with Him. Man was not designed to function without fellowship with God. We were designed to live from the reality and resources of God, but sin is the virus that hinders this. The law could not subdue the power of sin because it was weakened by the flesh. Because of sin, humankind could no longer have the vital connection with God that makes us divine and not mere mortals. Jesus came to cleanse us from the power of sin and restore that connection with God. If you are a Christian, you should now have fellowship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why the Holy Spirit was sent to come and dwell within us who are born again. Go into today knowing that your salvation is free. Jesus has paid for it. Thank the Lord for the privilege to have fellowship with Him.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Job 35-36 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Matt 7:7 (KJV) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Victory and Ella couldn’t understand why their seed did not work. Many Christians are in that category today. Yesterday we saw that the primary way to receive from God is by asking. So, am I saying giving is not good? No. To give is good; it shows you are like your Father in heaven. However, when we give we should do it remembering that all that we need now and will ever need has been given in Christ Jesus, and nothing we do can add to it. Jesus is the reason God blesses us. Go into today knowing what God said we should do in order to receive from Him is to ask Him. When the only reason we give is because we want to receive more from God, we are not really giving to Him but giving to our needs or greed. Let our giving be inspired by love all the time, this is when it becomes sowing to the spirit (Gal 6:8).—Dr. James Emmanuel Join our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Psalms 51-53 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Matt 7:7 (KJV) Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you Victory and his wife needed a new car because their car was now old. He discussed this with his wife Ella: Victory: I think we need a new car, this one is old. I think we should sell it and add our savings to raise the money for the new car. Ella: why don’t we rather sell this old car and sow the money as a seed for another car, then we won’t have to touch our savings. Victory: That’s a lovely idea. Victory and Ella sold their old car, packaged the money in an envelope and dropped it in the offering bowl as ‘seed’ for a new car. Months went by but they did not get a new car. As children of God, the way to receive from God our father is by asking him. It is very good to give to the Lord, and we reap when we sow to the work of God in love, but we must never think that the reason we receive from God is because we have given him something first. No, having this mindset shows we do not understand the grace of God. We love God because He first loved us. We can receive from God and give to His work because He first gave us all things (in Christ) even before we ever realized we needed anything. As important as giving is, it is not the primary way to receive from God. The way to receive from God is by asking. God did not say ‘ye have not, because ye give not’, He says ‘ye have not, because ye ask not’ (see James 4:3. Also read James 1:6). Go into today knowing that giving is good. But the first key to receiving from God is asking. Ask God in the name of Jesus for your needs today and watch God supply them through His riches in Christ.—Dr. James EmmanuelJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: II Samuel 5-9 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Romans 6:16 (NLT) Don’t you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master? You can choose sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God and receive his approval. Sis Alice was afflicted and was being ministered to by Bro Ameh and Sis Faith. But it appeared that their prayers had no effect. They sent for Bro Henry. When Henry arrived, he knew what was going on (by word of knowledge) and gave Alice some instructions about things she had to change in her life. He then said a simple prayer, and Alice was immediately healed. Your salvation is not just about missing hell fire and going to heaven, it is about serving God here on earth and increasing your rank in His kingdom. Any man still controlled by sin will be hindered from serving God in his full capacity. He will ultimately be hindered from making heaven if he continues to live a life of sin (1 Cor 6:9-10). In this world, people are not all at the same level. There are great people and there are small people. In the kingdom of heaven, people are not all on the same level. There are great people and there are small people (see Matt 5:19). Your greatness in the kingdom of heaven is determined by your compliance to the will of God and your faithfulness in serving Him. As you are faithful in little, more will be entrusted to you and your rank is increased. Greatness in the kingdom of God begins here and now while you are still in this body of flesh. A person who is great in the kingdom can wield more spiritual authority. That is why Henry could heal Alice and others could not. Go into today knowing that the greatest hindrance to serving God is being a slave of sin. You cannot be a servant of sin and a servant of God at the same time.—Abraham Damilola ArigiJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: 🔊Download Today’s Audio Here☞ Bible In One Year: Exodus 17-20 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Jeremiah 17:11(NLT) Like a partridge that hatches eggs she has not laid, so are those who get their wealth by unjust means. At midlife they will lose their riches; in the end, they will become poor old fools. Making money from Ponzi schemes, gambling, or embezzling public funds (if you are in government) or internet fraud are common unjust ways people make money today. Any business transaction in which both parties do not gain something is an unjust transaction. For example, if I sell you a commodity, I will lose it but will have gained the money. You will lose your money but will have gained the commodity. We both gained something. But Something is wrong if I alone gained. When you buy shares of a productive company, you make a profit because the company makes a profit and is becoming more valuable, not because people are losing their money. That is a just way to make gains. There is nothing as dangerous as ignorance for Christians. Unfortunately, in the spirit realm, ignorance is not an excuse. When a Christian gets involved in businesses that only generate profit from other people’s loss, he has participated in a business that thrives only on greed. Such businesses are really not different in spiritual principle from gambling. There is nothing that scares the devil like when real Christians are controlling real wealth in this world. He understands that this means greater influence for God’s kingdom on the earth. He wants Christians to be lured into Get-rich-quick schemes so that they will lose their power to make real enduring wealth. Go into today asking the Lord to empower you to walk in His spiritual wisdom and understanding in all things. Ask Him to deliver you from the Love of money and help you love righteousness and hate wickedness (see Heb 1:9).—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: II Corinthians 4-5 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Proverbs 13:11 (NLT) Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time. Kemi and Grace were best friends who both decided to be entrepreneurs. Kemi got seriously involved with a get-rich-quick scheme. She invested all her money into it and started making huge gains. She was now an evangelist for that scheme and would hold large workshops to get people to join. She was indeed very successful in it. She bought a brand new car in months. Kemi was very displeased with Grace because Grace refused to join her. Grace was not led to join but insisted she would rather spend her time and effort learning to be an excellent tailor and starting her own clothing brand. For the first two years, things were not easy for Grace, and Kemi would laugh at her but never help. After the period Grace spent to build her skill, she started producing and marketing very nice clothes, and things started picking up. Her business became profitable and continued to grow steadily. By this time, the Ponzi scheme Kemi joined had crashed. She was no more making the huge sums she once made. Because money initially came so easily to Kemi, she squandered everything she had saved, and every effort she put into starting a profitable business failed because she had lost the power to make wealth. In five years, Kemi was now poor and wished she could be one of Grace’s many employees. When a person is used to get-rich-quick schemes, he loses the ability to settle down and get wealth through honest gain. He must always have to find another such scheme in order to stay afloat financially. People who embezzle public funds to become rich have the same fate. Life is spiritual, and power to get wealth is spiritually given by God, it can be squandered (see Deut 8:18). Go into today knowing that it is God who gives you the power to get wealth.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Mark 13-14 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS
Proverbs 13:11 (NLT) Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows over time. The smartphone or device with which you are reading or listening to this devotional was bought because it meets your needs of communication and entertainment. The manufacturer has made a lot of money because he has met a need. Christians are righteous and just people. God blesses us by giving us ideas that help us solve problems. Wealth is generated when problems are solved. Unproductive forms of making money include schemes that promise to produce gain but have no productivity. They include gambling and Ponzi schemes. As attractive as unproductive forms of making money may look, they are what the Bible calls get-rich-quick schemes. They ultimately bring every society to its knees economically. Imagine that everyone in the world was only involved in such schemes to make money; there would be no more food to eat, no new clothes to wear and no machines to use. The world will shut down because there would no more be productivity but only greed. A Ponzi scheme is one that promises to provide money and help, yet it has no form of productivity. The only thing a Ponzi scheme does is to use the money new people bring in to pay those who have already brought in money. When there are no more new people in the system, it is bound to crash and produce great loss and pain to the investors; people who invested with the expectation to make gains. Everyone who makes a profit through a Ponzi scheme makes money from the potential loss of someone else. I believe one of the demonic assignments of Ponzi schemes (and its brothers) is to take the power to make real wealth from the people of God. Go into today knowing that as a Christian, it is not everything the world does to make money that you can do. God empowers you to make enduring wealth according to His principles of righteousness and justice.—Abraham Damilola ArigiJoin our WhatsApp group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Join our Telegram group: Bible In One Year: Jeremiah 22-26 (in today’s audio)Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan Tune in to Streamglobe radio☞ Kindly forward this devotional to your contacts and let’s bless lives together. Streamglobe is nondenominational Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS