Faithful in Little Things 3

Luke 6:10 (NLT) “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Some of Chief Ola’s children were faithful and very productive in the business entrusted to them, but some of them were lazy and unfaithful. The unfaithful ones were content that they had access to their father’s trust fund, and they wouldn’t lack anything for the rest of their lives. But the faithful ones were interested in increasing the family fortune and doing more good things in this world through their family’s great wealth. The unfaithful children were proving to their father and everyone that they were not worthy to be made the controllers of their father’s great estate. Today, some Christians are only content that they are now saved and citizens of heaven. They do not care much about God’s assignment for them on the earth, they only care about their needs. This is the reason why such people do not advance in the kingdom of God. They are the ones simply satisfied that they are going to heaven. They do not care about the fate of other people. The truth is that as you advance in God’s eternal kingdom, it will affect even your life here on earth. Those who are great in God’s eternal kingdom begin to experience the first fruits of their greatness here on earth. They are the ones that command God’s great power and authority. They are the ones who have great power with God and are privy to God’s operations on the earth. Go into today remembering that promotion and greatness in God’s kingdom is a result of faithful and obedient service. Those who are conscious and obedient to the heavenly calling are the ones who can be faithful servants in God’s house.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Deuteronomy 10-12 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251Listen to our 24/7 Radio☞🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Faithful in Little Things 2

Luke 16:10 (NET) “The one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and the one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. Chief Ola wanted to know which of his many children would be able to control his vast estate. He loved all of them dearly, but he wanted the most faithful ones to take charge of the company. He decided to give them tasks and watch how faithful and productive they would be. He created small businesses for them, and he gave them guidance about how to effectively and successfully run the businesses. One of the things God is achieving through time is to select his children who would be worthy of wielding His great authority over the entire universe for all eternity. Jesus brought not only salvation, but the Kingdom. Salvation is not an end; it is a means to an end- inheriting the kingdom of God. God made us in His image and after His likeness because He wanted us to rule the universe with Him. Sin came to abort this agenda, so God had to come in the form of flesh to rescue man [from sin] and bring him back to the kingdom. He did this because of His great love. God has given you assignments on this earth; He has also given you gifts and resources to help you accomplish these assignments. Your eternal kingdom ranking will be determined by how faithful you are in your kingdom assignment here on earth. Your assignment in this realm of time may look really big, but the Lord calls it the little things that will determine your eligibility to the great things of His eternal kingdom. Go into today remembering that God has ordained you to bring forth fruits (see John 15:16). He will reward you according to your work (see Rom 2:6, Rev 22:12).—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Deuteronomy 10-12 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251Listen to our 24/7 Radio☞🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download (Duration: 18:05 — 6.4MB)Subscribe: RSS

The Law of the Spirit

Romans 8:2 (KJV) For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. Many times, Deji would give up and tell himself it was not possible for him to live a holy life free from sin and guilt. But he knew in his heart that he was wrong. As he started asking questions and studying the word of God to learn how to truly live holy without sin, one of the first things he learned was that sin is in the flesh, but righteousness is in the spirit of the born-again person, and the only way not to walk in the flesh is by walking in the spirit. He started feeding his soul with the sincere word of God and keeping himself from fellowshipping with unbelievers like he used to do before. He also learned that the way to walk in the Spirit is to walk in constant fellowship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit that he has received. This is how he started seeing improvement. From today’s Bible verse, we can see that there are two laws that a man can walk in. The one is the law of the spirit that produces life. The other is the law of sin that produces death. Walking in the spirit produces life and peace, but walking in the flesh produces sin and death (see Rom 8:6,13). You can walk in the spirit when you accept Christ and let His word rule your life. His word is the source of life. As it changes the way you think, it establishes in you the ability to walk in the holiness of God. Go into today knowing that the secret to walking in the Spirit is constant fellowship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit. This is facilitated when your mind is renewed by the word of God.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Acts 11-12 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251Listen to our 24/7 Radio☞🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

I Am There In The Midst Of Them

Matt 18:20 (KJV) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Deola prayed and fasted about an issue that was troubling her, but she knew she had not prayed through because there was still fear and anxiety in her heart concerning the issue. During the Sunday worship service, the pastor cut short his sermon and gave people an opportunity to pray for a long time. As soon as Deola started praying, she knew that her prayers this time were penetrating the heavens. By the time she had prayed in church for 20 minutes (cumulatively), she knew she had prayed through. Her heart was now full of faith concerning the issue she was praying about. She saw the visible signs of answered prayer the next day. Jesus never breaks His word. If He has said He would be in the midst of people gathered in His name, you can be sure He will keep His word. The problem usually is that we do not know how to access [and take advantage of] His presence that is in our midst when we gather in His name. One of the ways to easily access His presence and power is through heartfelt worship and prayers. Your prayer is more powerful if you pray when gathered with God’s people in Christ’s name because Christ is there in your midst. There is an intensity of Christ’s presence that is available when people gather together in His name. That intensity may not always be available when you are praying alone. Go into today, deciding to always take advantage of the greater intensity of Christ’s presence brought by the gathering of people in His name. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Zephaniah (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251Listen to our 24/7 Radio Here☞🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Pass On Wisdom

2 Timothy 3:15 (NLT) You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. Many successful people in life can be traced to a mother who brought her child up to be a success; a mother who prayed for and supported her child when no one else would. But there are some mothers that would not only be thanked on earth when the greatest awards and rewards on earth are given to their children, they would be celebrated in the life to come when their sons and daughters receive the greatest rewards of all time and eternity. Timothy was one of such people whose mother not only taught him about life and human wisdom but also taught him the holy Scriptures that gave him the wisdom to receive salvation. This is the greatest thing any parent can give to their children. The child is the one who will ultimately make his decision whether to follow the Lord or not. But what a Christian parent can do is to teach their children the word of the Lord and be an example of the things they teach. They should also lead their children to consciously accept Christ when they are old enough to understand what that means. The word of God in their hearts will lead them on the path of wisdom that will make them saved, not because their parents instructed them so, but because they too can see the truth for themselves. Go into today remembering that the greatest thing you can do for someone is to facilitate his salvation from eternal death to eternal life.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Ecclesiastes 3-4 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Pass On The Blessing

2 Timothy 1:5 (NET) I recall your sincere faith that was alive first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice, and I am sure is in you. Ladan realized that his family members were under the power of a curse. From gathering information, he realized that it has been so in his family from the time of his great-great grandparents. He didn’t understand how such curses worked, but he was determined to break every ancestral curse in his life and not to pass down any curse but blessings to his children. As he started to pray [and fast] fervently concerning this, one of the first things he received was that there has been a demonic altar set up that has been working against his family. This altar created a demonic civilization that his family unknowingly subscribed to. That was why all the young men and women in the family were very promiscuous and proud. He was instructed that if he destroys a demonic altar and its civilization, he would have to replace that altar with the kingdom of Christ and His righteousness, or his effort would be futile. This meant he would have to consciously and doggedly lead his household in the way of the Lord. His children would know the scriptures even before they know their books. He would institute traditions in his household that engender the flow of God’s grace and the prosperity of God’s word. We can see from today’s Bible text that faith (which is the greatest blessing) was passed down to Timothy from my parent. If an ancestor of yours could cut a covenant with demons and leverage his entire bloodline to demonic control, you as a child of God can destroy such covenants and institute the blessing of God into your family. Go into today determined to introduce generational blessings into your family by walking in the covenant of life and peace of Christ Jesus.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Psalms 125-127 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

The Nature of our salvation

Hebrews 10:26-27(NET)For if we deliberately keep on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins is left for us, but only a certain fearful expectation of judgment and a fury of fire that will consume God’s enemies.  Further Study: Heb 10:26-29, 1 John 2:1-2 Sade read this Bible verse and interpreted it to mean that God will not forgive her sins again when she sins as a believer who knows the truth. She was greatly oppressed by the devil because there was a time in her life that she thought she was no longer going to receive forgiveness of sin. But she was wrong and was deceived by the devil. She knew this when she started asking the right people the right questions. And then she realized that God does not take away His gift of salvation to everyone who still has faith to receive it. He will by no means cast away anyone who comes to Him (John 6:37). Today’s Bible text is not meant for the repentant believer, it is meant for the unrepentant person who wants to continue in sin and claim the sacrifice of Christ as his ground for spiritual irresponsibility and continuance in iniquity. This refers to people who may say they believe in Christ but in reality, they do not because they abuse the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and deliberately use it as grounds for sin. Grace that is meant to free them from the power of sin is now used as a license for sin. These are such who insult the spirit of grace (see Heb 10:29). Go into today thanking the Lord for His grace and blood that continually cleanses you from all sins. You are not among those who abuse the spirit of grace if you do not despise the sacrifice of Christ by celebrating what he gave His life to condemn (sin).—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: II Chronicles 29-32 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download (Duration: 30:03 — 10.5MB)Subscribe: RSS

God Opposes The Proud

1 Peter 5:5 (NET) In the same way, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Gerald walked in the prophetic, and people received the baptism of the Holy Ghost when he laid his hand on them. He also had a very sound understanding of the word of God, and had the ability to teach it convincingly. But when Gerald became the fellowship president, pride gradually entered his heart. He had no regard for anyone, and became a quick tempered person who was very difficult to counsel. Because of his pride, grace was no longer multiplied in his life. Even though he still walked in his spiritual gifts, he knew his ministries were now void of God’s rich presence. He also found that he started falling into diverse temptations because there was no more rich supply of grace in his life. Many have attained a level of grace, but never went beyond that level because they became proud. Grace is the power of God that empowers Christians to do the extraordinary. It empowers us to walk above sin, walk in spiritual gifts, signs and wonders, prosperity, etc. God gives grace to the humble. He exalts the humble, but brings down the proud . One reason why Moses had so much power with God was because he was the meekest man on earth (see Num 12:3). The day he acted contrary to this meek nature, the Lord ended his ministry. He disobeyed the Lord by striking the rock instead of speaking to it as the Lord commanded. Go into today remembering that humility is the key to increasing grace. God does not fellowship with people who are proud at heart. Ask the Lord to help you have the mind of Christ.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Deuteronomy 7-9 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

Humble Yourselves Under His Mighty Hand

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NET) And God will exalt you in due time, if you humble yourselves under his mighty hand by casting all your cares on him because he cares for you. One of the reasons children do not worry and become anxious is because they absolutely trust in their parents to take care of their needs. This is because children are the meekest human beings you can find. God wants us to be like little children in the way we trust Him (see Mat 18:3). We can learn from today’s Bible text that casting all our cares on God is a product of humility and meekness. Anxiety is a result of the inherent pride brought by the knowledge of good and evil. Before humankind had the knowledge of good and evil of the forbidden fruit, it was impossible for humans to be anxious and faithless. When you humble yourself under God’s mighty hand, it means you acknowledge that even though you may not understand what is happening, God is in control and is working out the best for you because you are His child. It is pride that makes us seek to ‘take our destinies into our own hands’ and “do anything” to improve our lot. This does not mean we become irresponsible people who use ‘trusting God’ as an excuse to be lazy, it simply means that whatever we do in our situation of need, we do it with the background knowledge that God is in control. And everything we do must be approved by God. We do not do anything that is against His law to help ourselves. Go into today remembering that the way to humble yourself under God’s mighty hand is by casting all your cares upon Him and ceasing to worry and be anxious. Remember that God will exalt you in due time.—Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: James 4-5 (In today’s audio) Streamglobe is nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.Send your testimonies to: +2348021680251🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download (Duration: 11:10 — 4.0MB)Subscribe: RSS

Through The Rich Knowledge Of God

2 Peter 1:3 (NET) I can pray this because his divine power has bestowed on us everything necessary for life and godliness through the rich knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence. Ronke noticed that the more she knew the Lord, the more she grew in grace and power. When she first became a Christian, she found it very difficult to stop telling lies, but as she grew in the knowledge of God, she noticed that the weakness that made her lie faded away. She also noticed that she now had faith to claim the promises of God in the Bible. Before, she would quote them, but not believe they would really apply to her. Ronke also observed that as she prayed, she received answers very fast. Even financial doors started opening for her in every direction. Her knowledge of God started to grow when she started reading some faith-building books and started becoming more conscious of the Holy Spirit. God in His infinite love has freely made available to us all the things we need for life and godliness. Every single thing you would need to live a fulfilled, comfortable, peaceful, prosperous, and godly life has been provided by God. We access these things in God as we grow in our knowledge of Him. This knowledge multiplies grace and stature. Go into today remembering that as you grow in the knowledge of God, you grow in the ability to receive the things of God and excel in every good work. Ask the Lord to help you know Him more and more from today. Remember that one way to know a person better is by talking regularly with the person. That is what we do when we pray. —Abraham Damilola Arigi Join our chat group to start getting Streamglobe Devotional Text & Audio early every day:WhatsApp: Bible In 1 Year: Acts 9-10 (In today’s audio) Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let’s touch lives together.🔊Get today’s Audio Version Here☞ Play in new window | Download ()Subscribe: RSS

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