Colossians 1:13-14 (NET)  He delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

When Anabel became a believer, it was now clear to her that she was under the power of darkness when she was an unbeliever. She lived in fear and suspicion.

She used to go to church every Sunday because she saw the church as a place where people went to collect blessings and protection. She had several bottles of anointing oil in her house from different pastors.

In spite of the fact that she was a churchgoer, she also used to make charms. Her first husband used to be her boyfriend. It was through charms that she tied him and manipulated him to marry her. The marriage fell apart when he lost his oil company job.

Because of her many sins, she found it difficult to believe that God would ever want anything to do with her. This was the major reason she didn’t accept the Lord Jesus. But the day someone explained the message of the cross to her, and she saw how that Jesus who was perfect and innocent suffered and died for her sins, she knew she could be forgiven. She understood that her forgiveness was solely based on the sacrifice of Jesus. When she received this forgiveness and accepted the Lordship of Christ over her life, she was no longer under the dominion of darkness and she knew this. She was no longer a slave to sin and fear. She no longer lived in constant fear and suspicion. Her mind was now liberated. She could now think straight and properly without the help of drugs.

Unfortunately, there are some in the church today who are not totally free from the dominion of darkness because they have not received the lordship of Christ fully. Jesus does not yet control every area of their lives. They still hold onto their old philosophies and maxims. Mammon is still their Lord.

But understanding that you have complete redemption and forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus generates a natural response of total surrender to His Lordship. Jesus cannot truly be the Lord of your life and demons still have dominion over you. He is a jealous Lord. The degree to which your life is submitted to the Lordship of Christ is the degree to which you would walk in His authority and dominion.

Go into today thanking God for delivering you from the dominion of darkness and bringing you into the dominion of light through His redemption and forgiveness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you grow in your walk in the light and become an agent of light yourself. If you are not yet born again and you want to be saved, follow this link:

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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