2 Corinthians 6:17-18 (NET) Therefore “come out from their midst, and be separate,” says the Lord, “and touch no unclean thing, and I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the All-Powerful Lord.


Daniel and Segun grew up in the same community and attended the same schools. But when Segun was in high school, he believed in the Lord Jesus and was baptized. He thus started living a separate life unto the Lord. Because of this, he enjoyed the communion of the Lord and could pray and have his prayers answered. Daniel on the other hand was just a churchgoer who was never really committed to the Lord.


As events of life unfolded, it became evident that Segun was truly a son of God. When things went wrong in Daniel’s life and family, Segun would be the one he would run to because he discovered that when Segun prayed, God answered. Segun’s life was not void of battles and challenges, but as Daniel rightly observed, unlike him, Segun always came out victorious. Battles that crushed others only made him stronger and better.


John 1:12 reveals that those who receive the Lord Jesus are given the power to become sons of God. The question is: how do we receive the Lord Jesus and believe in His name so that we would receive this power? The next question is: after we have received this power, how are we to use it to become sons of God?


Before the Lord Jesus died and was resurrected into glory, people were already receiving Him and believing in His name(his authority as the Christ). His disciples were a good example. They received authority and power to cast out devils, subdue all the power of the enemy (see Luke 10:19), and relate with God as their Father. This was the reason why the disciples could cast out demons and heal the sick(see Matthew 10:8). This was the reason why Peter could walk on water and the disciples were already taught to pray to God and refer to Him as Father(Luke 11:2).


After the Lord Jesus died and ascended to glory, just like before He died, those who believe in His name are those who believe that He is the Christ, the son of the living God (see Romans 10:10-11). Those who receive Him now receive Him through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes to minister the reality and power of Christ to the believer(see John 16:13). Christ dwells in us by the Holy Spirit.

It is by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit that we can appropriate our inheritance as sons of God. Jesus says we shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon us. This power enables us to be witnesses unto Him (see Acts 1:8).

The way we use this power to actually appropriate our sonship is what is revealed in today’s Bible text. The HOLY Spirit empowers us to live separated HOLY lives. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can separate ourselves from the world and live sanctified lives unto the Lord. It is those who have done this that would practically walk in the reality of sonship.


Go into today knowing that if you have believed in the Lord, and are baptized in the Holy Spirit, you have received the power to become a son of God. Ask the Lord to help you use this power to separate yourself from the world and live a sanctified life so your life would practically radiate the power of God.

Confession: I am a Child of God. I walk in the authority of heaven and Please my Father in Heaven.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Luke 23-24 (in today’s audio)

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