Proverbs 31:18 (KJV) She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.

Ayo received many awards, and he was also the overall best student in his school. The principal of the school came up on stage to make comments “Ayo burnt the night candles” he said.

Night: a time to rest, sleep, and a time covered with darkness. This time is characterized by inactivity. Yet, almost every great success is associated with the night.

The woman in today’s text perceived that her merchandise was good; hence, she spent hours of the night preparing, rehearsing, and practicing. What have you perceived to be good in your life? What are your strategies for achieving it? What extra effort do you need to put in place? Certainly, there are excesses you must cut off.

God has given you the dream; it is your responsibility to pursue it. Remember that to have a dream eyes must be closed, but eyes must be opened to make it come to pass.

Check your archive as you go into the day, find out those merchandise in you that are good, and spend quality time developing them. Follow God, seek knowledge, chase excellence and you will be more productive.

Prayer: I rebuke laziness in my life in Jesus’ name.

I receive the grace of an achiever for God’s pleasure in Jesus’ name.

I receive light (knowledge) to achieve in Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Dr. James Emmanuel

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