Galatians 2:21(KJV) I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

Sharon: Now that I’m a Christian, How can I be truly righteous and free?

Evelyn: that is a very good question. You see, holiness is something that without it you cannot see the Lord. If you want to be righteous, keep the Ten Commandments, read and understand the laws of God, and follow the laws of our church. When you do these things, you will be righteous before God.

Even though Evelyn had good intentions, she couldn’t be more wrong. She was not showing Sharon the way of righteousness, she was showing her the way of legalism and bondage to laws.

Evelyn should have said something like this: ‘Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Walk and live in the Spirit; study God’s word and pray regularly to enhance fellowship with God who is your father. Come to church and hear God’s word- it is able to renew your mind and make you become like Christ because hearing the word transmits grace’.

Our Bible text today shows that it is possible to frustrate the grace of God in your life by trusting in rules and regulations as a means to accomplish righteousness. The grace of God transforms us from within and empowers us to be righteous naturally.

Go into today renouncing every form of legalism that seeks to frustrate the grace of God in your life.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to cleanse you from every mindset that hinders grace. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In 1 Year: Proverbs 4

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