Romans 8:27 (NLT) And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.

There was a time I was asking the Lord to do something very important for me. While asking I gave a reason I felt was a very good one for me to receive this thing from the Lord. But I remember that the Holy Spirit immediately made me understand that my reason was not valid. The Holy Spirit made me understand that even though I really needed this thing, and God wanted to give it to me (because God loves giving good gifts to His children), the reason I was presenting for needing my request was not acceptable before God because it was [latently] based on pride of life.

There are many times Christians spend a lot of time praying but do not receive answers from God because their prayers are not in accordance with the will of God, and because of that, they receive nothing from the Lord (see James 4:3). Those who know how to depend on the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer will never have this problem. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us and uses the right words for us [when we pray in tongues]. He also leads us to use the right words [and motives] in the place of prayer.

Go into today knowing that the most effective way to pray is to pray in the Spirit. This means praying in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible In One Year: Psalms 57-59 (in today’s audio)
Audio Bible credit: Bible Experience, Zondervan

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