1 Corinthians 2:15 (NKJV)But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

When the Lord said ‘judge not’ in Matthew 7:1, He was talking to His disciples, and the context was a Christian disciple judging another disciple. That Sermon [on the mount] started in Matthew 5 after His disciples came up the mountain to meet Him (see Matt 5:1). In the sermon, He instructed them not to judge one another, that was why he said if you see a spec in “your brother’s” eye. the context here is “your brother” not “your neighbor”, indicating that He is talking to disciples.

Today’s Bible verse reveals that even though the spiritual man has the ability to judge all things, no one has the ability to rightly judge him. Indeed, those who would be counted worthy to inherit the kingdom of Christ and reign with Him would also judge all men and even the angels (see 1 Cor 6:2-3). But even they are not qualified to judge each other correctly, no one is. The only Person able to judge them is their Lord and master (see Rom 14:4). This applies to spiritual believers and not carnal believers because walking in the flesh excludes a believer from immunity to judgment and condemnation (see Rom 8:1 in KJV, Rom 8:13).

Before Satan can afflict anyone, he must first have grounds for judgment and condemnation against him. These grounds do not exist for the spiritual man (whose life is ruled by the Holy Spirit). Even if a spiritual man falls, he rises again and does not stay there and create grounds for judgment.

Go into today remembering that there is no judgment and condemnation for the spiritual man. The only thing that can make him walk in a way deserving of judgment is when he becomes carnal by continuing to unrepentantly walk in the flesh.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to always walk in the Spirit.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In 365 Days: Jeremiah 47-52
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