Luke 7:47 (NET) Therefore I tell you, her sins, which were many, are forgiven, thus she loved much; but the one who is forgiven little loves little.”

Kunle was a drug addict who had committed so many terrible crimes that he had lost count. He had resigned to the fate that he was irredeemable and would spend eternity paying for his many sins.

When someone told him that his sins could be forgiven, he found it very difficult to believe. But when he settled down to understand the gospel message and saw a movie that showed how Jesus suffered for our sins, he now believed that his sins could be forgiven. The suffering he saw Jesus go through was more than enough punishment for any sin he had committed. As he watched the movie, he wept because he knew that what Jesus went through was for him.

Two years after believing in the Lord Jesus, Kunle was now doing exploits for the Lord and healing the sick. Even the people who led him to the Lord were amazed at his growth and diligence in serving the Lord because he was laboring more than them. Kunle loved the Lord so much because he realized that he had been forgiven of so many sins.

Apostle Paul was also someone who was so grateful for the price Jesus paid that his love for the Lord was remarkable. He considered himself to be the worst of sinners before the Lord saved him(see 1 Timothy 1:15), so he felt a depth of gratitude and love that made him labor more than all the other apostles(see 1 Corinthians 15:10).

The truth is that we don’t need to have had a rough past in order for us to realize that we have been forgiven much and therefore we ought to love much. What we need is a revelation of the holiness of God, then like Isaiah who cried out that he was unclean (see Isaiah 6:1-5), we would realize that the best we were before the Lord saved us was more repulsive than filthy smelly rags, and we all have been forgiven of many sins.Go into today knowing that what we were because of our sinful nature was more repulsive than the things we did. For the most innocent of us, Jesus would have still had to die that gruesome death because of the heinousness of the sinful nature that we all shared.

Prayer: Lord, deliver me from the delusion of self-righteousness. Help me realize that I too was forgiven of many sins and I owe a debt of love and gratitude that one lifetime cannot finish paying for.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible in 1 year: II Kings 1-5 (in today’s audio)
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