Matthew 25:23 (KJV)  His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Larry became really envious of Sunday who had become a great man celebrated by many the world over. He didn’t understand why Sunday became so great and not him because they used to be really close when they were much younger, and he saw that he was more intelligent, gifted, and talented than Sunday. Larry always believed that God had destined him for greatness, but he was not experiencing any of it. All he saw were struggles.  He almost fell into what some call a mid-life crisis, because he was already over 45, and it was now looking clear to him that he was not going to be as successful and great as he had always hoped.

As Larry continued to study why people enter into their greatness, he observed a principle that was greatly lacking in his life. He saw that unlike his friend Sunday, he was not a very faithful and reliable person. He was never really consistent at anything that didn’t give instant gratification. He observed that God gave greatness, but one of the principles of greatness in the kingdom of God is faithfulness in the little and in another man’s work(see Luke 16:10,12). Unlike Sunday, he was too proud to be committed to anything that didn’t originate from him.

There are different ways of attaining greatness in this world, but greatness in the kingdom of God can only be received by those who are faithful in the little. When you have been faithful in little, much will be given to you –that is the kingdom way (see Luke 16:10,12). Many stars have fallen because they shined before they were proven with faithfulness. It is possible to expose yourself and orchestrate your shining, but if your greatness is not from the Lord, you will have to continue to employ your gimmicks to sustain it, and a time would come that you would run out of them.

Go into today remembering that God only promotes those who have shown faithfulness in the little things. Remember also that they that compare themselves with themselves are not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Prayer: Lord, give me grace and wisdom to be faithful and consistent. Amen.

—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In One Year: Psalms 57-59

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