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Matthew 7:17,19 (NKJV)
17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Many religious groups and cults like the idea of walking in love. Some of them talk about loving one another and even have bumper stickers that talk above walking in love. But while they talk about love and love the idea of walking in love, they do not have the ability to walk in true love for one another. They do not have the ability to overcome human selfishness. They tell lies to one another and do not truly have unconditional love for one another. This is because they are not born of God. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit. It is only those who have been fathered by God that have the ability to walk in true unconditional love for one another.
Love is a fruit. It is a product of the renewed heart. It is the greatest proof that a person is born of God. This fruit is peculiar to only God’s children alone. It is our greatest advertisement to the world, both the dark powers of this world and the people operating under them (see John 13:35).
When a believer is fruitful, it means he bears the fruit the Spirit. This means by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, he walks in love.
If you have received Christ Jesus as your Lord, You have been made good because you have been born of God.
Go into today thanking the Lord for empowering you to walk in His divine nature of love. Thank the Lord because you are a good tree and will never be cast into the fire.
-Pastor SD Abraham
Yearly Bible Plan: Acts 15-16 (In Devotional Audio)
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