Isa 12:3 (KJV) Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Everyone in the office was sure that Alex was a Christian. His high moral way of life could be attested to by his colleagues. Also, Alex made efforts to share with them the gospel. However, Alex did not make a single convert among his colleagues. In fact, it appeared they were just not interested in hearing him. This bothered Alex for long, and he kept praying to God about it. One day, he looked into the mirror and saw his own face; stern and unsmiling. He himself was amazed. He said to himself ‘this man in the mirror does not look happy. How can he convince me to adopt his way of life?’ He discovered he was not radiating one of the most important ingredients of his salvation- joy. Of course, he changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. He noticed afterwards how colleagues would come to him saying ‘Tell us about this your Jesus’.

When Phillip preached the gospel in Samaria, the Bible said ‘there was great joy in that city’ (Acts 8:5-8). When the Ethiopian eunuch understood the good news from Phillip, the Bible said ‘he went on his way rejoicing’ (Acts 8:26-40). David at some point in his life prayed to God to restore to him ‘the joy of Your salvation’ (Psalms 51:12-13). And our main text reveals how it is with joy that we can maximize the benefits of our being saved. Then sinners can see our joy and turn to the Lord.

Go into today radiating the joy of the Holy Ghost. Let that joy flow into the lives of others as they come in contact with you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to advertise your salvation by the deep joy that only You can give. Let this be my experience from now on. Amen.
—Adeolu Olumodeji

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Bible In 1 Year: Job 1-2

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