
Ephesians 5:11(NIV) Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them

Todd met Raphael during his personal evangelism and the following conversation ensued:
Todd: Good morning brother Raphael.
Raphael: don’t call me brother, I’m not falling for that church thing.
Todd: why, aren’t you a believer?
Raphael: yes, but I don’t want anything to do with Church, after all, it makes no difference.
Todd was really surprised at Raphael’s responses so he pressed on by asking other questions. He eventually found out that Raphael had become hardened because of the kind of ‘Christians’ around him. Raphael’s friends were all ‘born again Christians’, but they clubbed, drank, smoked and did other ungodly things together. So for Raphael, being born again made no difference.
The case of Raphael’s friends may be considered extreme, but there are milder cases where believers condone sinful acts around them even when they will not be a part of it themselves, and because they do not condemn but accommodate such acts, they cannot live as light in that environment.
Today’s text not only tells us to have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness, it tells us to expose them. As long as darkness is not confronted by light, darkness will continue to rule.
Go into today making up your mind to have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.
Prayer: Lord, help me to always shine as light. Amen.

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—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible Reading: III John (In Devotional Audio)

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